He sighs and starts to make his way back to the house. He really hates this, but he has no choice. At least he knows that he hasn’t betrayed Liv to his sire and that is how he can still sleep at night.

He walks into the library to find Devon and Lincoln talking earnestly. They both look up at him and Devon regards him with a curious look.

“Where have you been?” he asks.

“Just getting some air. What’s it to you?” Cade replies.

Devon just shrugs and goes back to his conversation with Lincoln. They are talking about Liv and her daughter and the upcoming rescue operation. He bites his tongue and leaves the room. He has somewhere else he has to be, and he is late.

“You’re late,” Aster says to him as he rushes into his bedroom.

“I know, sorry,” Cade says apologetically.

Aster sighs and holds out his arm for Cade to take. “I don’t know why I am always the one to ferry you people back and forth,” he grumbles.

“Because you are a good man,” Cade responds and Aster grudgingly smiles at him, then Astraports him to the house in England. “Thanks.”

“An hour,” Aster says. “I have a life, you know.”

“I will be ready,” Cade says and Aster Astraports off, leaving Cade alone with his heart racing.

He hasn’t seen her in a few days, and he is eager to lay his eyes on her. He has no idea what she sees in him, but she is an angel. A perfect specimen of a woman sent here to torment him with her infrequent visits. He pushes open the bedroom door and she is waiting for him on the bed, her blonde hair piled up on top of her head with a few loose curls dropping free. Her elegant, cream-colored, medieval-style gown is spread out around her and he almost drools at the sight of this creature before him.

“You are late,” she says to him sternly. “I was about to leave.”

“I’m sorry, I was held up,” he says, moving quickly to the bed. “I am so happy that you are still here. It would have broken my heart had you left.”

She giggles at him and bats her eyes. “You are such a fool, Cade Sinclair,” she teases him.

“A fool in love,” he says with a goofy grin on his face. He takes her hands in his. “Oh, Pyleah, you have bewitched me,” he gushes.

“I have done no such thing,” she says lightly. “Your feelings are your own.”

He blinks at her in confusion, not understanding her meaning, but then she smiles brightly at him and he forgets all about everything else.

“I don’t have much time,” she says reluctantly.

“Then we shall have to make the most of it,” he says and climbs on the bed next to her.

She fixes him with her light green eyes and it has him mesmerized. How did he get so lucky as to randomly meet this woman here in this very house? He has no idea what she was doing here, and he doesn’t care. All he knows is that he fell in love with her the second her eyes bore angrily into his as he found her rifling through the master bathroom.

She turned on her charm as he questioned her, and he never knew what hit him. He doesn’t know much about her except that she is Light Fae. She doesn’t talk about herself, and that is fine for now. But someday he is going to want more from her. Today he just wants to be with her.

He tugs on the laces of her gown so her magnificent cleavage is revealed to him and he can’t take his eyes off her. She reaches up and unpins her hair and it falls in a cascade to her waist. He pushes his hands into the waves of spun gold, and he leans down to kiss her. She responds urgently and it encourages him to get her laces untied quickly. Her creamy breasts drop into his hands and he squeezes her gently. She moans into his mouth and he feels himself about to burst with need for her. He has never been all that sexually active. His job as a Hunter had kept him too busy and too in the shadows to form a meaningful relationship with anyone. He has had his fair share of women, though, but nothing like what is classified as normal around here. Since he has been turned, he has been with exactly three women: Jess, Liv (he shudders as he remembers that humiliation), and this beautiful, delicate creature in his arms.

“Oh, Pyleah,” he murmurs. “You are so beautiful.”

She takes his face in her hands and kisses him deeply. “You make me feel wanted, Cade,” she says quietly.

“I do want you,” he says quickly. “I need you.”

“Then take me,” she whispers.

Cade lies with his arms wrapped around her and he doesn’t want to let her go. She smells intoxicating and his fangs are so eager to drop so he can drink from her, but he would never, ever lower her to that. She is to be worshipped, not used to slake his disgusting thirst.

“I have to go,” she mutters. “I have been gone too long; someone will start to wonder where I am.”

“No, just a bit longer,” he says, holding onto her tighter. His jealousy rears up as he wonders who this “someone” is that will miss her.