“What are you talking about?” I scoff.

“Oh, you can try that,” she says, “but Fraser told me. He told me what you told him about why you said you couldn’t bring him back here.” She smiles in triumph as she sees I am cornered. Bitch!

“Give me what I want, and I’ll go quietly,” she says after a moment of complete silence. Lincoln is stock-still, although he is now holding the sheet up over himself, and CK is like a statue. “Or I will keep coming back to ruin your life and eventually take every single one of your men from you. Your choice.”

“Drake,” CK croaks out and Other Liv turns her head towards him as I shoot daggers at him with my eyes. “Your father is Drake, King of the Dark Fae. Now leave.”

“Thank you,” she says grandly, pushing me off her and getting to her feet. “Was that so hard now?” She winks at Lincoln, blows a kiss to CK, and then vanishes from sight.

“You had no right!” I shriek at CK. “No right to give her that information.”

“And you have no right to plan to bring Fraser here from your past,” he hisses at me and then turns on his heel and leaves me staring at him, mouth agape.

“Is that true?” Lincoln asks after a moment.

“Sort of,” I say meekly. “But the idea was to spend eternity with him here by my side. I can’t exactly do that now that I can’t turn him.”

“And another thing!” CK bursts back into the bedroom, startling us both. He points at Lincoln. “How dare you bring him back here without discussing it with me first!”

“I had no choice,” I say. “There was a Pack mutiny and he was in danger. We both were.”

He looks concerned for a second before he wipes it off his face. “Why were you there in the first place? It is over between you two.”

“Not anymore,” Lincoln says, and I glare at him. “What? You have to tell him.”

“Aefre!” CK shouts at me. “What have you done?”

“We Paired again. I had to for his own sanity. It’s a long story,” I say, defeated.

“You did what?” CK asks so quietly and that terrifies me more than his yelling. This is going to take some major repair work on my behalf. He is beyond upset. I don’t even think there is a word for how hurt he is by this news.

He doesn’t even let me say anything else, he just turns around and walks out without another word. I start to go after him, but his eyes have gone red and I stop myself. I don’t think he will endanger the life of his unborn child by tearing into me, but I am not taking the risk.

“Shit,” Lincoln says and sits on the bed.

“No kidding,” I say.

“Things are different around here now, aren’t they?” he says quietly.

“Yes. I tried to tell you…”

“I know. But I need you. I will fit into your life, Liv. Just find me a place,” he says.

My heart melts and I sit next to him and take his hand. “For starters, don’t call me Liv anymore,” I say.

“Why?” he asks, confused.

“I am not that person anymore,” I say simply.

“So, what do I call you then? Aefre?” he asks.

“No!” I shake my head vehemently. “Not that. Just go back to calling me V.A. for now, okay?”

“Done,” he says with a smile. “Now about some clothes?”

“Of course,” I exclaim, having forgotten all about that. I magick some up for him and say, “I will get you more later.”

“Thanks,” he says. “I’m beat. All of this excitement has worn me out.”