He has returned to himself, even with my reluctance at having sex with him. All he needed was us close, and it worked. It is very similar to what happened with Cade. I ruminate on this momentarily before we are interrupted by a ferocious roar.

We both look to the doorway where Zoey is standing halfway through a Shift. She is furious with Lincoln and as she turns into her Wolf, she attacks him before he has had a chance to prepare.

I jump up on the table out of the way of her gnashing teeth and coil a small amount of Faerie magick to throw at her and get her to back off Lincoln. She has his arm in her mouth and he is struggling to Shift because of it. I blast the orb at her and she whimpers and lets him go. I didn’t want to hurt her, just startle her, and it worked.

Lincoln Shifts in a burst of fur and teeth and he pins her underneath his massive, black Wolf-form with two paws on her to keep her down as he growls at her. I leap off the table and put my hand on his back. He stiffens at my touch and I pull back, not wanting to lose a hand, but it wasn’t me he was reacting to. It is the entire Pack of Wolves now entering the kitchen, clearly very unhappy with us.

I can’t say that I blame them, but if they attack us, I am going to be forced to defend ourselves and I really don’t want that on my conscience after what just happened with Chrissy.

I tug on Lincoln’s fur to let him know that he can’t beat all of them on his own without bloodshed and if I have to get involved it won’t be any better. He looks at me and climbs off Zoey and I Astral us out of the house and back to the Underworld in a strategic retreat that I am not in the least bit ashamed of.

Lincoln, however, is not happy with me as he Shifts back and glares at me. “I could have taken them,” he says, crossing his arms.

“You would have had to kill them, Linc. They were out for blood and their vengeance is justified,” I say quietly.

He drops his arms to his sides, and I peek up at him in all his hot nakedness. I probably would have jumped his bones right then if she hadn’t turned up.

Lincoln dives into the bed and pulls the covers over him as Other Liv smirks at him from across the room.

“You weren’t so shy yesterday,” she says and peers at him. “You look better. Is our time together working for you?” she adds slyly.

“You stay the fuck away from him,” I snarl at her as she sidles closer to the bed.

“But your boys are such fun,” she says. “You ruin them and then I fix them for you.”

“He is right because of me, you bitch,” I scream at her and lob an orb of Faerie magick at her that pins her to the wall. I know this will piss her off as she can’t beat it and she doesn’t know what it is. Her eyes flash with anger as she struggles against it and I increase the pressure on the orb to really piss her off.

She stops struggling as I walk closer to her and she says, “If you told me what that is, I would leave, and you would never see me again.”

“Now why would I do a thing like that? I wouldn’t wish you on my worst enemy never mind your own father,” I taunt her.

She growls at me and I release her. This is no fun. I want to fight her and have her fight me back. I have a lot of pent-up rage in me that is just dying to be unleashed.

She throws a ball of Dragon Fire at me and it hits me square in the chest. It takes my breath away, but it also makes me smile. This is more like it. I decide to play fair and throw an orb of Dragon Fire back at her, which slams her back to the floor. She is definitely weaker than I am now and that is weird because she is supposed to be stronger. I guess the Faerie side in me is pretty strong.

She is up and, on her feet, in under a second, though, and then launches herself at me. Her physical attack catches me by surprise, and I hear Lincoln shout my name as we tumble to the floor and commence an all-out chick fight. There is scratching, name calling, and hair pulling.

I notice that CK has come to see what all the ruckus is about, and he is hovering in the doorway somewhere between amused, concerned, and furious to see a naked Lincoln hesitating by the bed, deciding whether to try and break us up or not. He decides not to, as he would no doubt get his arse kicked in the process.

I gain the upper hand as we struggle, and I get my hand around her throat and punch her in the face. She gasps as her nose breaks and I bang her head on the hardwood floor.

“If you ever come back here again, damn the consequences to your World, but I will kill you,” I scream in her face. “You have fucked with me and my boys for the last time.”

She is clawing at my hand and I squeeze tighter. My blood is dripping down my arm where her claws have torn into me and suddenly, she stops fighting me and stares at it. She licks her lips, her fangs almost glistening, and I quickly pull my hand back. Does she know?

I put my hand on her chest now to keep her down and say to her, “Go now and don’t come back or I will come for your Fraser and bring him here like he wants me to.” Tit-for-tat after all. She has screwed two of my men (that I know of). She deserves a taste of her own medicine.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she hisses at me, and I can see that I have hit that nerve I was looking for.

“Try me,” I snarl at her.

She smirks at me and with a little look to CK she says, “You are full of bullshit. You can threaten me with that all you like, but I know you won’t do it. You won’t do it because you have your little plans to bring your own Fraser to your present, so there would be no place for my one here.”

I gasp as her words hit me. Hard. How does she know about that? I cast a glance at CK, who has obviously heard every single word of that, and then look away

from the sheer rage and more importantly, hurt, that I see there.

Well, denial is always the go-to in an instance such as this.