“Frederick,” I call out softly, lest CK hear me. I don’t expect him to be able to hear my call, or come back, but I say it anyway. “Please help me. Please find out what he wants.”

Saving a damsel in distress, even me, was never his thing. In fact, rumor had it he was the one who left the damsel in need of assistance in the first place. But I have seen a side to him that I don’t think a single living soul ever has. He showed me once, centuries ago, for all of a brief moment in time, so I must have faith that he won’t lead me into danger. But if push comes to shove, then I am going to have to tell CK about this, and I really, really, really hope it doesn’t come to that.

After a thorough shower to wash away the dread, I make my way to the kitchen as I am starving. Forgetting if I can for the time being about Laurentis’s visit, I was up all night worrying about this damn Demon mark and what Xander did to it. It doesn’t hurt, but I am very aware of it there on my shoulder. Lucky for me, CK slept his usual hour and then was up and doing whatever it is he does, so he doesn’t know of my worry. I rub my shoulder and decide to go and speak to Xanthe. If anyone will know, she will. Hopefully. She has always rooted for me and Xane, so I am sure she will sell out her younger son for the greater good. I shudder as I realize how awful that sounds.

“Hey,” I say to Devon as I push open the door.

“Hey,” he says softly and avoids my eyes.

What’s his deal?

I am about to ask him when he shoves his bowl of cereal at me and gets another one of his own. I pick up the spoon and start to shovel food into my mouth as he does the same. The only sound is our crunching and it is slightly awkward.

“Dev,” I mumble around my mouthful. “What’s up?”

“Nuthin’,” he mumbles back.

“You can tell me,” I say after I swallow.

“There’s nothing to tell,” he says, getting angry.

“I know you,” I say to him, also getting angry. “You can’t keep secrets.”

“You need to go to Lincoln,” he blurts out after a few minutes of heated gazes at each other.

“Why?” I ask curiously. I hadn’t been expecting that.

“He is in deep shit, Lizzie,” he says.

“Why?” I ask again, putting down my bowl.

“His severed link to you isn’t doing him any favors,” Devon says.

“He’s fine,” I say and brush it off. “He’s with Chrissy now. They are expecting a baby.”

I clearly catch Devon by surprise as his mouth drops open, but then he shakes his head. “No, he isn’t fine. I don’t know about any baby, but I saw him yesterday. He is circling the drain and he is doing something, really, really stupid.”

“How stupid?” I ask, only now getting worried. Devon doesn’t care about other people in the way that he is currently worrying about Lincoln. He just lets them go on with their own shit. That makes this pretty serious.

“So stupid you will probably never forgive him,” Devon says, crossing his arms tightly.

“Tell me,” I whisper, but I think I already know.

“He is hooking up with Other Liv in your absence. He thinks it will make up for you not being there,” Devon says and turns from me to put his bowl in the sink.

Even though I knew he was going to say that, it still hits me really hard and I can’t breathe. What is Lincoln doing? He knows how I feel about this. “Are you sure?” I ask as I struggle for breath.

“Completely,” Devon says. “He won’t listen to me; you need to go and talk to him because she is toxic. She will ruin him, if she hasn’t already.” He stalks off, slamming the door closed behind him and I watch him go. He didn’t even bother to ask if I was okay. He just dropped the grenade and then walked out. There is definitely something going on with him, but right now I have to focus on Lincoln. I must go and kick his arse, but I also have to go and kick hers. She has screwed with my men for the last time.

I Astral straight into Lincoln’s bedroom and yank the covers off him.

“Hey,” he mutters and tries to get them back.

I step back in shock. He looks awful. I saw him a few weeks ago and he was fine, but now he looks like he is one step from death’s door. He opens his eyes and the blackness of them makes me feel slightly sick.

“Oh, hey,” he says. “Back already? Don’t think I’m up to much, but you can try.”

I want to punch him in the face! He thinks I am Other Liv!