“That’s it, baby,” she coos at him. “Let go.”

“No,” he says harshly. He will not give her the satisfaction of breaking him that much.

She just giggles at him as she rides him hard and then she thumps around his cock. And then he feels it himself. He can’t stop it. He comes just as she slips off him and it splashes on his stomach and chest.

She leans over him and removes her claws from his chest. He winces as the wounds slowly close and turns from her as she lewdly licks his face. He breathes in deeply and then he freezes. His Vampire senses are long gone, but these Demon ones aren’t that bad in such close quarters.

Not Cole.


He can smell the Wolf on her now. He knows his scent well after their nights spent keeping Lizzie happy in New York.

He has no idea what the fuck is going on, but he must put a stop to it. His mind is spinning, and it is only when Other Elizabeth kisses his stomach that he realizes that she has licked up all of his cum.

He wants to be sick.

“Always a pleasure,” she says to him as she snaps her fingers and gets dressed. “I do love coming here. You are all too easy.”

She Astrals off and Devon just makes it to the toilet in time to throw up his dinner.

Chapter 13

Los Angeles, USA, August 2014 – Devon

He curls up at the base of the toilet as the nausea hasn’t yet abated. His stomach heaves again and he leans over and retches until there is nothing left.

He was raped.

He was made a victim and he is revolted with himself. How could he let this happen? If his fucking dick had listened to him, she wouldn’t have been able to do it. But deep down he knows that’s not true. Even if she hadn’t been able to fuck him, she would have still violated him in some way and ensured that he is humiliated and disgusted with himself. He needs to get clean. He crawls to the shower and reaches up to turn on the jets and then he sits down, letting the scalding water beat down on him.

As the water starts to run cool, he hauls himself to his feet and washes himself, scrubbing every single part of himself until his skin is raw. He doesn’t know how to deal with this. It is so far outside of anything he has ever experienced. His heart squeezes as he thinks back to the times that this has happened to Elizabeth and he feels even worse. Now he truly gets what she felt in those moments.

But he can’t tell her. He will never admit that this happened to him for the rest of eternity. It is beyond humiliating. He steps out of the shower and slowly dries himself off and gets dressed. He doesn’t look in the mirror as he passes it; he keeps his eyes down and leaves the room quickly. He will never come back here ever again.

He focuses on Lincoln. Whatever he thinks he is doing with Other Liv, or Other Elizabeth whatever the fuck, Devon has to make him see it is sick.

He dismisses Astraporting in favor of walking across the lawn to the gate in the hedge that leads to the property next door where Lincoln lives. He strides purposefully to the door and bangs on it. It is the only thing that is keeping his head together at the moment, as he just wants to crawl into a corner and cry. He doesn’t think he has ever cried a day in his entire five hundred and eight years. He bangs again and the door is opened by an attractive redhead. He pushes past her, and she starts to protest as he storms into the living room.

“Linc?” he yells. “Lincoln?”

“Hey!” the redhead shouts to him as he ascends the stairs. “You can’t go up there!”

He ignores her and takes them two at a time, stopping outside the door to Lincoln’s bedroom. He doesn’t even bother with knocking and just pushes the door open.

“Fuck off,” Lincoln growls and turns over in bed. The room is in gloom and it takes Devon a minute to get used to it.

Devon turns and bangs the door closed in the redhead’s angered face and locks it.

“Linc,” he says, crossing to him. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to sleep,” Lincoln says. “What is this all about?”

“You know what this is about,” Devon says and crosses over to the bed. “I know about you and her.” He can’t say her name or he is going to throw up his stomach lining.

“What about it?” Lincoln says. “You of all people should understand it.”

“No!” Devon snaps at him. “You don’t get to throw that in my face. And you of all people should know how upset Liv got when she found out. If you think deep down somewhere that she will understand, you are mistaken, trust me on that.”