“We can undo it, Xane, she is going to be a mother soon. We can’t do this in good conscience,” she says lightly.

Okay, he gets where this is coming from now. She is still raw from her own ordeal and she is trying to make herself feel better by helping someone else. “We can, Xerxei. She gave up your secret to the Vampires, who knows what they are planning to do with that information. She must pay.”

“Then we make her pay in another way,” she insists. “Xane, please just consider another option.”

“What option would that be?” he asks.

“For starters, she is married to Sven, isn’t that punishment enough?” She smirks at him and he laughs unexpectedly at her humor. “But there must be another option we can think of.”

“Life in prison is the only other acceptable course,” he says coldly. He will not just let her go after all she has done to ruin his life.

“If I think of something else, will you listen?” sh

e asks him.

“I will always listen to you, Xerxei,” he says seriously.

“Good,” she says and settles down against his chest again.

Very good, he thinks, as she trails her hand down his abdomen and over his stiffening cock. She kisses his chest and then rises over him straddling him and his eyes are transfixed onto her bouncing tits as she rides him hard.

“Anything you want,” he pants, knowing he is a bigger fool than he sounds right now. She grins wickedly down at him and pinches her nipples, rolling them around her fingers until they are begging to be sucked. He sits up and takes one in his mouth, delighting in her gasp as he bites down. They come together in an explosion of desire and then he groans as someone knocks on his door. He already knows it is Xander. He has been sniffing around his wife since he met her, and it is time to put him in his place.

“Come in,” he calls and ignores Xerxei’s reprimanding look. She climbs off him and pulls the sheet up over herself and kicks him when Xander pops his head around the door. Xane grins at her and doesn’t bother to cover himself up.

Xander looks slightly surprised to be invited into this setup, but he comes in anyway and closes the door, leaning against it with a longing look at his wife. “Hey, Sis,” he drawls. “Lovely to see you again. Anyone ever tell you; you have amazing tits?”

Her eyes flash and then she looks down at herself and the silk sheet clinging to her magnificent breasts, her nipples like pebbles pressing against the thin fabric.

“Xander,” Xane growls at him. “Mind your manners.”

He shrugs and Xerxei says, “I should go. I’ll leave you to your business.”

“No,” he says, grabbing her hand. “Fuck him.”

“No, thank you,” she says smartly and Xander chokes back a grunt. “I will see you later. I am not quite done with you yet, but I do have somewhere else I need to be.”

“You always do,” Xane murmurs, upset, but she kisses him and, underneath the sheet, Astrals on her clothes. She climbs out of bed and with a twirl of her tiny, black skirt, she stalks over to Xander and brushes past him in a far too close a manner for Xane’s liking.

Xander watches her and doesn’t step back as she reaches for the door handle. She turns the handle and yanks it, making him stumble forward with a little laugh. “I do love a woman of strength,” he says to her and she grins at him.

“So that’s most women then,” she says, and he flashes her his best smile. Xane is about ready to beat him into the ground when Xander reaches out and touches her shoulder, right over the Demon marking she has that makes her Xane’s, and it fires up. It shimmers into a spark of Hellfire and she hisses. Xane remains rooted to his spot on the bed. Xander gives her an innocent smile that Xane wants to smash off his face.

What the fuck?

Xane is off the bed and dressed, as quickly as Xerxei was, and he has Xander in his grasp as Xerxei turns to him with a confused look. He shakes his head, as he doesn’t know what just happened. That mark belongs to them; Xander should have no control over it.

“What did you just do?” he demands to his younger brother.

“Why, nothing,” he says. “That was weird, huh?”

“Touch her again and I will kill you,” Xane snarls at him and shoves him out of the room. He doesn’t really care what he wanted earlier. Now he must make sure that Xerxei is okay. He grabs her upper arms and says urgently, “Are you okay? What was that?”

“I don’t know,” she says nervously. “It burned, almost like it was…” She stops and turns away from him.

“Like it was what?” he almost yells at her.

“Corrupted,” she says back and the look of fear on her face scares him. He has never seen her quite so frightened before, of anything.