“You have a lot to learn about our society,” Xane says. “And if you want to be around to learn, you had better start treating our customs with respect.”

“Xane, leave it alone now. We will figure something else out. Xyla clearly doesn’t want this or she wouldn’t have gone to such lengths to mess it up,” Liv says.

Devon looks somewhere between grateful and insulted and his expression melts Jess’s heart. She misses him so much, tears pop into her eyes.

“You break it off with her,” Xane says to Devon. “I don’t want her being hurt by you.”

Devon’s mouth drops open in shock as Xane stalks out of the room. “Hurt by me?” he asks Liv who smiles apologetically and pats his hand.

“Stay away from her, Dev,” Liv says. “Xane is quite serious about this. I can only do so much.”

“Fine,” he grouses. “It’s only to take my mind off you and your…” he waves his hand about. “You need to speak to Constanti

ne about what we want. I refuse to do this without his prior knowledge. I do not want to die just when you give me everything I want.” He gives her a dazzling smile and Jess feels like she is going to throw up.

Liv sighs and nods her head. “I’ll do what I can. You know he will be mad. It won’t go down well. But I want you and we’ll deal, okay.”

Devon nods happily and Liv bends down to kiss him. Jess is pleased to see that it ends with a peck on the lips. Clearly their bond is shattered, and nothing pleases her more. She has no idea what they are talking about, but she doesn’t care. They are no longer bound and that matters.

Liv leaves as well and Devon gets up, still naked, and walks past Jess into the bathroom. He slams the door closed while she is still drooling over his hotness. She has missed being touched by him, kissed by him, made love to by him…

“Jess.” Rosalina appears at her side with a slight reprimand. “What are you doing here?”

“I miss him,” Jess says. “I had to come.”

“Does he know you are here?” Rosalina asks, looking around.

Jess shakes her head sadly. “No, still invisible,” she says mournfully.

Rosalina purses her lips and takes Jess’s arm. “Come. We must leave this place. You have used up more energy than I thought you possessed to get here, and you will fade very quickly if I don’t get you home.”

“Fade?” Jess asks, concerned by Rosalina’s tone.

“I can only bring you back if there is body to bring you back to,” Rosalina says and Jess gulps. She currently doesn’t have a body to speak of. She is barely corporeal, and she can feel herself getting weaker now. She looks to where her rings went under the bed and she wants to ask Rosalina to let her bring them back with her, but it is too late. They are already back in Minerva.

“Jess, dear, you must promise me that you won’t go back there again. There were stipulations with the bargain I struck with my brother,” Rosalina says.

“But I had to see him,” Jess whines.

“That part of your life is over now,” Rosalina says kindly. “Your new life has so much to offer you with my guidance. You will be a powerful Druid with the proper care and training.”

“How powerful?” Jess asks. Rosalina has never really told her much about what will happen after she finishes her training.

“Very powerful,” Rosalina says. She pauses, looking like she wants to add more. Jess leans her head forward to encourage Rosalina to keep talking. “You will be groomed to take my place, Jess,” she adds quietly.

Jess stares at her in disbelief. Head of the Coven of all Witches and Druids alike? How on Earth is that possible?

“I see I have shocked you,” Rosalina says with a slight curve of her lips. She links her arm through Jess’s, and they walk through the forest and back to the palace. “You have no idea of your true potential. Are you willing to leave your old life behind and focus on your future?”

“Yes,” Jess doesn’t hesitate to reply. For now. Oh, she will leave it all behind and work her invisible ass off to reach her true potential. She always knew she was more than what she turned out to be, just a lowly assistant to a manipulative whore. She has always wanted power and while she expected it would be in a different way to what she is now being offered, she can definitely get on board with this. If she is one day going to be as powerful as Rosalina, surely that has to put her near, if not the same, level as Liv. And if she is that powerful, she can take that bitch down once and for all. “Yes,” she repeats more forcefully. “I am prepared to leave it behind and focus on my future.”

“Good girl,” Rosalina says. “You will achieve greatness one day, my dear. I am looking forward to teaching you.”

“Me too,” Jess replies, thinking of all the horrendous ways in which she will make Liv pay for messing with her and turning Devon against her. She will get him back eventually. She just has to bide her time. When he sees how powerful she has become he will want to worship her. He will beg her to come back to her and she will accept him back, but on her own terms this time.

She is done being the victim.

Los Angeles, USA, August 2014 – Lincoln