I shrink back into the water a bit. I hadn’t thought this through very well.

“He saw you naked?” he bellows at me.

“It’s not like it’s the first time,” I mutter.

“Aefre!” he warns me. “What game are you playing with him?”

“Exactly the one I need to, to get him to tell me about my daughter!” I yell back at him. “You told me to do anything I had to.”

“I didn’t think you actually would,” he says, crestfallen. He looks around uncomfortably. “You fucked him in our home?”

“No!” I say to him, outraged that he thinks I would do that in our own room.

He looks mildly placated. “Where? I wasn’t gone that long. Or better yet, when?” he adds menacingly.

“I haven’t fucked him, CK,” I say haughtily. Not exactly a lie as what we shared was more than just a fuck. “But you recall we did have a child together. Do you think I was covered up the entire time?”

His shoulders slump and I regret saying all of that. “I’m sorry,” I say meekly. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

“No, you are right. He has been with you in the way that I have. It is about time I faced that fact,” he says.

It occurs to me that he is admitting to being in denial this whole time. No wonder he has been so unsupportive of my efforts.

“I’m not in denial,” he says, affronted, being able to read my thoughts. “I just find it upsetting.”

“I know,” I say. “So do I.”

“Finish up,” he says then, back to his normal self. “I want to show you what I bought for our daughter.”

Buckinghamshire, England, August 2014 - Jess

Jess sits in the corner of the room that is Devon’s and watches some black-haired, blue-eyed whore see to him in the ways that she used to.

He can’t see her. She is completely invisible to him. A side effect of her resurrection, she was told. Something she still can’t get her head around. She never knew she had Druid blood in her. As far as Jess knew, her family was just of normal American lineage.

Apparently not.

Rosalina said one of her great ancestors was Celtic and the blood is strong in her. It is one of the things that helped her through her first few weeks as a Vampire. By all accounts she should have been a raging monster for years. Everyone wondered why she adapted so quickly, and they all put it down to Liv’s influence, but no. Jess smiles wickedly. It wasn’t that whore; it was all her.

Her smile gets wiped off her face as she continues to watch this heartbreaking spectacle in front of her. She isn’t supposed to be here but coming here is the only thing keeping her sane. Rosalina said she wouldn’t be strong enough to cross Worlds for some time yet, but she has proved her wrong and she had to see Devon. She had to see if he was mourning her loss, so she thought of him and concentrated really hard and she ended up here.

Jess rubs at her wrists, still feeling the pain and confusion of how she died. The situation has all been explained to her once, twice, ten times, but it still takes some getting used to. None of them are Vampires anymore. It is very weird. She wondered what Devon would be like now without it, but he is just as perfect as he always was. She can sense his growing power, which makes her think her own is also growing. But she is still invisible to everyone except Rosalina, whose blood brought her back from death. That is an experience she never wants to repeat. It makes her feel a sort of kinship with Remiel in some strange way.

“Oh, Xyla,” Devon groans, bringing her thoughts back to the situation at hand.

Jess watches him pull his cock out of Xyla’s ass and she sighs, wishing it was her and even more so wishing that Devon was missing her. Even a little bit. She sits up straight as Devon’s head snaps to the corner where she is sitting, and he narrows his eyes as he glares straight at her. She opens her mouth to speak to him, but he just as quickly turns his head to kiss the whore, Xyla.

It is Jess’s turn to narrow her eyes. Xyla? She blinks rapidly as it becomes apparent that this is some Demon bitch that Devon has taken up with, and not just any Demon, but one related to Xane. Her first thought is how she can fuck this up for him, punish him for betraying her, but it is quickly replaced with awe as she sees Devon use his powers. Her mouth drops open as she sees him conjure up a feast of food and drink and start to wolf it down while Xyla giggles at him and watches him as she plays with her nipples.

“Wouldn’t you rather play with me?” Xyla asks him.

“Give me a minute,” Devon mumbles. “I’m not as strong as I used to be.”

“You should take my essence,” Xyla says, sitting up and wrapping her arms around Devon.

He looks up at her in interest. “What, like that thing that Lizzie does with Xane to get energy?”

Xyla nods. “Precisely,” she says. “Your powers are coming along nicely. I think it is time to fully embrace the Demon in you and what better way than to share essences with another?”