Aefre has her head down and can’t see it, but it is there only to be quickly wiped off his face as she looks back up at him. He murmurs platitudes to her, but Constantine has stopped listening. It was Sebastian that cursed her. He knows it. Her Faerie husband was so determined to be the one that he went to such evil lengths to ensure that no one else had a child with her before he did.

It’s sick.

If Aefre ever finds out…oh, she is going to find out, and then she will kill Sebastian for his betrayal, or Constantine will if she doesn’t. That could have been his child, the one thing that he has always wanted with her. He looks back at them in triumph, but once again he stops himself from Teleporting to them. Aefre will be devastated to learn of this and she is in a delicate state. He cannot allow anything to interfere with or potentially harm his unborn child. He will sit on this until she is holding his child in her arms, safe and perfect, and then he will shatter this Faerie fucking fantasy once and for all.

He now, calmly, Teleports to Sebastian’s bedroom to bring his wife home.

“CK,” she says, quickly sitting up in bed and pulling the sheet over her breasts. “This isn’t what it looks like.”

“Actually, it is exactly what it looks like,” Sebastian comments and Constantine fixes his icy glare on him with a look that tells him everything.

Sebastian’s eyes widen in terror that his secret is out, and he shakes his head quickly, begging his sire to let him explain.

“Aefre,” Constantine says, turning away from him and back to his wife. He holds his hand out for her and she comes to him, defiant as ever.

“The deal was…” she starts.

“I know what the deal was, my sweet. Please go home,” he says to her softly.

She peers at him curiously but nods her head and with a longing look back at Sebastian, she Astrals off, leaving them alone.

Chapter 11

The Underworld, August 2014 – Aefre

I Astral straight to the bathroom. CK will be along shortly, probably after he and Sebastian have another one of their childish fights. I bend over and run the taps of the tub and wait for it to fill up with lavender-scented bubbles. I put my hand on my stomach and smile gently. I found out I was pregnant a few days ago and I still can’t believe that I am finally one hundred percent sure I am pregnant with CK’s child. It is a miracle and one that no one, not even Devon, will find out about until it is too late.


His voice comes from behind me. I freeze and then spin around to find myself face to face with Remiel.

“You’re back,” I say with a smile. At least I hope it is a smile and not a grimace. I didn’t exactly get any warning he was coming. And I am still naked! His gaze takes in every inch of my body and I stand there like I enjoy having him lust after me. He smiles and I step into his embrace. He stiffens and pushes me away with a frown.

What? What did I do? And then I remember he is a Vampire. A different breed of Vampire, but still a Vampire and still a male.

“You have lain with another man?” he asks stiffly.

Oh shit, shit, shit. How do I play this?

“Yes,” I say carefully, because to lie would be to lose him, and therefore my daughter, forever. “I am a high-maintenance woman, Remiel. I have needs and until you are prepared to accept me full time, I expect those needs to be met.”

He ponders this with a ferocious scowl, but I keep my hand on his arm so he can’t leave without taking me with him.

“I see,” he says eventually. “I understand.”

I want to blurt out, “You do?” but I stop myself in time.

He takes my hand and helps me into the bath and I inwardly smile at the action even though at the same time it gets on my

nerves that he thinks he has a right to be so possessive of me.

“I forget that when I leave you it is longer for you. To me it was yesterday,” he says sadly.

“When will you be finished with your business so we can be together?” I ask him to distract him.

“Soon,” he says with a smile. “I hope to be able to claim you full time, as you say, very soon.”

“Good,” I say with a seductive smile and prepare to fully repair the damage with the idea that I have worked furiously over for the last few seconds to develop. “Because I have come to realize since our time in the clearing that you are the only man who can satisfy me, Remiel. I know you felt it too. But until we are together, I will continue seeking what I need, but that only you can provide for me.”