“Tell me about it,” he says. “You should have your own soap opera.”

“Hey,” she complains good-naturedly as she smacks him on the arm. “I can’t help the way my life has turned out. I was happy being a normal Vampire.”

“I know you were,” he says sadly. “So was I.”

“Oh shit, Seb, I am such an inconsiderate fool. I know you have been dealt a shit hand and mostly because of me,” she says.

All because of you, but it doesn’t matter. He would do it all over again just to be with her.

“Come now,” he says, taking her hand. “I don’t want to talk or think about anything except us. I don’t have much time before I have to get back.”

She smiles and accepts the closure. He leads her down the corridor to his bedroom and he pushes open the door. He doesn’t give her a chance to take in the décor because he grabs her and kisses her, running his hands up into her hair.

She responds to him, taking off his t-shirt so she can touch him. He loves that about her. He loves the way she touches him, how she needs to when they are together.

“I have missed you,” she whispers.

“I love you,” he answers her and walks her back to the bed. He lowers her gently down and takes his time stripping her. He enjoys unwrapping her, getting a peek of her before she is spread before him exactly how he wants her. He can’t help his gaze on her delicious, wet mound, already ready for him. He bends down to lick her there and she squirms with delight, and then he gets lost in her.

The Underworld, August 2014 -


Constantine arrives back home and calls for his wife. She doesn’t respond so he calls again, “Aefre?”

He is finding it increasingly difficult to pin down her position lately; his Vampire bond is well and truly lost with her now. He closes his eyes and tries to sense her and their child, but nothing. He frowns as she said she would stay right here until he returned. He has forbidden her to go anywhere alone while she is with child in case anything happens to them.

He races to the library and scoops up his laptop and flips it open. Ever since they have had their unfounded suspicions about Cade’s new sire being Remiel, he has made certain that there is audio and visual equipment set up in every single room, in every single property that they both own, plus a few others. Only Nico knows this, of course, as there would no doubt be an uproar, but he isn’t interested in scandalous sexual encounters. He needs to know his wife is safe. Even more so now.

He quickly flicks through every room in this house, lest she be lying unconscious somewhere, and then, coming up empty, he checks the house in England, Ponte, Cassis, her house in L.A., his house in L.A., and his penthouse in Milan. She isn’t to be found anywhere. In a panic that she has been taken by Xane, or worse, that she has gone back to Cole, he takes a moment to think. And suddenly he knows where she has gone. He left her alone and he knows his charge well.

He checks Sebastian’s penthouse in Paris. He would want to take her somewhere he thinks Constantine won’t look for a while. It hits his gut and makes him feel sick to see them in bed together.

They are making love. This isn’t a quick, half-dressed fuck on the desk downstairs, or revenge sex after Constantine has pissed her off. This is a couple showing their love for one another and it hits him really hard. He knows that Sebastian has said that he loves her, but as far as Constantine knew, he didn’t really know her to love her. He knows that when he gave his permission for Aefre to take care of Sebastian that it was a mistake, but he was confident that it was just that to Aefre: taking care of someone she cared about. It never occurred to Constantine that she would fall in love with him. He has obviously never seen them interact with each other when he isn’t there, but he was convinced that Aefre wasn’t in love with him, just drawn to him because of her wicked nature and their Faerie connection.

How wrong he was. He sees them with their arms and legs wrapped around each other as Sebastian gently makes love to her and she is just as gentle back with him. They are kissing and his hands are all over her, his mouth on hers, his cock inside her.

Constantine has had thoughts of jealously before, he has killed men for just looking at her with lust–that is just his obsessive nature, but this is something else. This is real and to his own disgust and shame, he leans over and retches into the wastepaper basket.

He has always been slightly concerned that Aefre wouldn’t end up choosing him, but he thought it would be because of an outside factor. He never entertained the idea that it would be because she loved another as much as it is clear she is in love with Sebastian.

He hears both of their cries of passion and he retches again before he straightens up and is about to Teleport straight into that room and rip his wife out of her lover’s arms, but something stops him. He needs to know more. It is like a horrific accident he can’t look away from. He watches her curl up on top of his charge in contentment and he plays with her hair as she makes little circles on his chest with her finger.

She does that to him and it hurts Constantine more than he knew it was possible to see her do it to someone else.

“Prefect,” Sebastian murmurs to her.

“Mm,” she replies. “It has been a long time since we did that properly.”

He laughs quietly. “You can say that again. I have missed you, little one.”

“I have missed you as well,” she replies. “There is something that you should know.”

“What’s that?” he replies cautiously, and it catches Constantine’s attention.

He listens as she tells him about her pregnancy and the curse and Constantine narrows his eyes and grabs the screen of his laptop with both hands.

He knows that look! He knows his charge’s face better than he knows his wife’s and that is a look of guilt!