“Shit!” Sebastian exclaims and leaps up out of his throne. “Dammit!” He kicks the ornate leg, made from pure gold, and then hobbles off as it nearly broke his toe. “It was supposed to be mine!”

“Calm down, dear,” Pyleah murmurs. “You can try again. Today is the day that the Fates have aligned these six months. You must go to her immediately.”

“Whose was it?” he growls, ignoring his mother and focusing on Drake.

“No one knows,” he says. “Not yours, though, obviously.”

“And no one can trace this back to us?” Sebastian asks.

“No, with our combined magick and the forces of black magick, it will be impossible for anyone to trace the curse back to us,” Drake says.

Sebastian feels slightly revolted. He hadn’t wanted to do this; his mother and Drake talked him into it. They needed his blood to ensure that if the child was his it would be safe from the evil curse, they cast upon her, and it was his job to deliver the curse to her in the form of the lip balm his mother stole from her.

And now she has lost a child.

His heart aches for her as he knows she must be going through Hell. He has to go to her and not only for the reason his mother has stated, but to hold her and make sure she is okay.

He hasn’t seen her in three weeks, and it is taking its toll on him. He misses her more than he cares to admit, but to leave here while everything is still in such turmoil would be political suicide for him and while that is appealing to his Vampire nature, the longer he has resided here, the more his Faerie nature has come out again and that was what he was afraid of. He can see the change in him, he has become less easygoing, more arrogant, and every bit a King.

“Doesn’t it bother you?” he asks Drake as he slumps back into his throne. “That was your grandchild.”

“Of course it sickens me,” Drake snaps at him. “But you know as well as I do that our people will not accept another child from her that is not half Dark, half Light. She is tainted enough as it is. She was supposed to be pure when she united with you and conceived your child. This whole situation, including her rape, has been a political nightmare!” He slams his fist against his palm in a very clear effort not to punch something else.

Pyleah chokes back a sob as she is reminded of what Aelfric did and Sebastian’s stomach twists into an even bigger knot.

“Go to her,” his mother says quietly. “This can all be resolved today.”

Sebastian nods grimly. He is sure he won’t have a problem getting her into bed, the problem will be trying to get past his sire first.

“I will let you know once I have returned,” he says. “I want any form of magick available to confirm her pregnancy.”

“I will make sure you have it,” Drake says and leaves in a puff of smoke.

His mother comes to him and takes his hand. “I know how much this has hurt you, Kalen, but you have to move past it and go to her as if you don’t know anything about it. She will see the guilt on your face, because she loves you just as much as you love her.”

He gives her a weak smile and she cups his face before she too puffs out, leaving him alone. He stands up and straightens his face. He has so many secrets from her, what is one more? He changes his clothes from his Light Fae King regalia to his comfortable jeans, sneakers, and t-shirt, and then he goes to her.

He finds her alone in the library and he can’t believe his luck. Constantine is nowhere to be sensed. She gives him a broad smile and rushes to him. He picks her up and holds her close to him and he feels all of his tension drain away and his headache recede.

“Hi,” she says. “I am so glad you are here.”

“Me too,” he says. “Are we alone?”

“For now,” she says with a giggle. “CK has gone shopping.”

“Shopping?” Sebastian asks incredulously. “Whatever for?”

She lowers her eyes and shrugs. “He wouldn’t say,” she murmurs, but it is obvious she is hiding something. But that is something to worry about another day. He grabs her hand and, using his Vampire power, he Teleports her to his penthouse apartment that he still keeps going in Paris, France.

She looks around and asks, “Where is this?”

“Used to be my home,” he says. “I wanted to go somewhere where we wouldn’t be easily interrupted.”

“Why?” she asks, suddenly anxious. “Is something wrong?”

“No,” he says to her with a laugh. “I want to be with you.”

“Oh,” she says with a flush. “Sorry, I guess I am just used to drama.”