I do, however, start to go into the delirious phase. I go blind and my breath goes shallow. I can hear Rosalina chanting, but I can’t really hear the words. They are muffled.

“Now,” she says loudly, and I hear that. I sit up, startled, but she pushes me back down and takes my hand. I feel CK press his body on top of mine and to my relief, I feel the coolness of the silk sheet sliding over us, giving us some privacy. She slashes my palm open and then presses it to CK’s and I feel him enter me. I am quite glad that all of this seems like a dream, or I would be mortified. Yes, I like to be watched and it excited me with Devon earlier, but this is just weird. I feel a wave of pleasure go over me and then I am at peace. Complete nirvana happens to me and it is the best feeling in the world. I don’t want to wake up from this and go back to my harsh reality with all of its problems.

“Drink from her,” Rosalina orders her brother and I feel his fangs graze my neck. He bites down and then she places his slashed palm to my mouth for me to drink as well. I don’t remember this from the last time, but I slurp at him as he does to me and it sends him over the edge with a low growl.

That’s all I remember.

The Underworld, July 2014 – Constantine

He releases his fangs from his wife’s neck as she has passed out. He withdraws himself quickly as he doesn’t want to invade her lifeless body. That has never been his thing despite knowing a few barbarians who do desire that.

“This is the second time we have been watched today,” he grumbles as he climbs off the bed, making sure to cover Aefre up with the sheet. He quickly throws his clothes back on as Rosalina is watching him closely.

“It is necessary for me to be here,” she says.

“I know, but I still don’t like it,” he says.

He watches her as she pushes the sheet down over Aefre’s breasts and she circles her nipple with her finger. “So pert,” she says. “How old was she exactly when you turned her?” she adds with a wicked smile.

“Old enough,” Constantine growls.

“She looks but a girl as she sleeps,” Rosalina says and lies down next to Aefre on the bed.

“She is all woman, don’t worry about it,” Constantine says.

Rosalina shrugs. “Our transaction is now paid in full,” she says.

“And how is your payment doing?” he asks.

“Oh, quite well,” she says with a beam. “She is very beautiful and quite strong.”

“She is dead,” he says to her.

“Resurrected,” she corrects him. “I believe your wife knows a thing or two about that?”

“Don’t remind me,” he says. “I would ask how, but I don’t really care.”

“And I don’t care to share my secrets with you, Brother,” she says with a smile. “I am just grateful that I stopped you from burning her body.”

“As I am grateful to you for what you have done here,” Constantine says stiffly. He isn’t gracious naturally, but he is very thankful for his sister’s help. “Just make sure that the girl never shows her face around here. She has caused enough trouble for Aefre and I will not tolerate it.”

“It will be a long time before she is ready, but I will see to it that Jess stays out of your way,” Rosalina says. She leans forward and licks Aefre’s nipple. “We have kissed, you know,” she conversationally.

“You kissed my wife?” he asks her incredulously.

“Oh yes, she enjoyed it,” Rosalina replies.

“Touch her again…” he starts, b

ut she brushes him off.

“It’s so nice to see that you care about something. I thought you were lost to all positive emotions when you were turned,” she says.

“She is the only thing I care about,” he says. He watches as Rosalina idly plays with Aefre’s nipple and then trails her hand down. “No,” he says to her. “You have had your fun. You will not touch her again.”

“Congratulations, Daddy,” she says to him to his utter astonishment as she places her hand on Aefre’s stomach. “It worked.”

“What?” he asks. “How can you tell already?” He crouches next to Aefre and also places his hand on her stomach.