“Fuck you,” she says. “I’ll give you dumb!” She clenches her fist, but Constantine is quick to put his hand over it before she slams it into his mouth.

“Fucking and arguing,” Devon mumbles under his breath and then Astraports off, hoping that they will get over it and follow him. Fortunately, they do, and they all stand in Cole’s hotel room, looking down at his sorry ass still passed out on the sofa.

Chapter 10

Los Angeles, USA, July 2014 – Aefre

“Hurry up,” Devon snaps at me. “It will be better if he doesn’t see you and know what you did.”

“Fine,” I say and crouch down next to him. He reeks of booze and sex and my heart lurches for him. He is utterly desolate. I place my hand on his shoulder and I close my eyes. I mutter the spell that I came up with and hope it works. This isn’t a skillset that I use all that often, if ever, to be honest. I have the magick and the knowledge of the Grimoire in my head, but outside of the Blood Magick ritual, I don’t perform spells. But I did cast the one on Carolyn, so I am sure I can undo it. I lean down to kiss his shoulder and his eyes open slightly.

“Liv,” he croaks.

“Shh,” I say to him and run my hand through his hair. “Go back to sleep.”

He smiles contentedly as I stroke him and then CK jealously snatches my hand away. “Time to go,” he says curtly.

I reluctantly stand up and let CK Teleport me back home. Devon follows with a scrunched-up piece of paper in his hand that he lobs into the trash. “Did it work?” he asks.

“It should,” I say.

“You did the right thing, Lizzie,” he says. “You have to let him go.”

I nod and sit on the bed. “Can I be alone for a bit, please?” I ask.

CK is about to protest, but Devon ushers him out and I curl on the bed and weep for everyone I have lost in these last few months.

A quiet knock at the door interrupts my mourning and I wait for whoever it is to just barge in anyway. When they don’t, I huff and get up to answer it. It’s Vito.

“Hi,” I say and let him in. “Sorry I’ve not been around much lately.”

He bends down to kiss me on my forehead. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve been crying,” he says.

“I have,” I say, “but I am okay now. Thank you for asking.”

“I care about you, Aefre,” he replies, and I smile at him.

“I believe Drake brought the blueprints to me?” I ask, wanting to change the subject.

“He sent Galoch,” Vito answers and leads me to the bed. We sit and he continues, “I have been looking at them, but I can’t see anything.”

“I will have a look a bit later, but I am hoping that I won’t need them now anyway,” I say. I want to tell him about my suspicions that the baby I lost was his, but I just can?

??t get the words out. And even if I did, CK will find out and that is just something I don’t think I can handle. “How are things between you and CK?” I ask instead.

He snorts with amusement. “Do you really have to ask?”

“Well, yes,” I say. “I know you two went at it in the library a few days ago.”

“He is still as jealous as he always was. I would have lost my head if he weren’t so afraid of you,” Vito says to my amazement.

“Afraid of me?” I ask in disbelief. “He isn’t afraid of me.”

“Oh, yes he is,” Vito says with a little laugh. “I never thought I would see it either.”

I ponder that for a moment, but I still don’t believe it. Vito has it wrong.

“You do not realize your true strength, do you?” he asks.