Easy for him to say. I am the one with the coveted blood here, and they all bloody know it thanks to CeeCee and her big, fat mouth. I get now why Xane thinks it is such a good idea to execute her for her crime, but it still doesn’t sit well with me.

“I’m starving. Can we eat now?” Devon interrupts my thoughts and I decide to drop it. Devon is right, I can protect myself and my father will protect his people.

“Yes,” I say and follow him to the kitchen. I sit at the counter and watch him go about preparing a feast, a rather odd feast for just after breakfast time. “Pasta?” I ask.

“Famished,” is all he says to me and goes about his business, so I leave him to it.

I enjoy watching him work and I haven’t felt this relaxed in ages, despite initial worries. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Everything seems to be coming together. I need to take this at face value and enjoy it while I can. I am determined to get Devon to re-ask his question to me at his earliest convenience. I know CK will go ballistic, but it’s tough. I want my darling boy and I want to him to know how much I love him and need him.

We reminisce while he cooks, and I laugh at a ridiculous tale about a man and dog (don’t ask) from when he worked on his parents’ farm as a human.

He places the big bowl of delicious smelling pasta in front of me and my stomach growls. I am pretty famished myself, so I dig in as he sits next to me and does the same.

“So where has Lincoln gone?” he asks me after a few bites.

“Huh?” I mumble around a mouthful.

He jabs his finger in the direction of the house next door. “Where has he gone? He and the Pack have, err, packed up and left,” he says.

“What?” I ask, dropping my fork at his news. “When?”

He shrugs. “You didn’t know?”

“No,” I say, upset that he didn’t tell me he was going. “But there is only one place he would have gone.”

I Astral to that place and land in his home in L.A. that is next door to my own much-missed mansion. Devon follows me, fork still in hand and chewing on his food.

I glare at him. “St

ay here,” I say to him and make for the stairs. He doesn’t listen to me and we take them two at a time until I reach Lincoln’s bedroom door. I am prepared for whatever I might have just Astralled into, but it is still a little bit hurtful when I knock on the door and Chrissy opens it wearing nothing but one of Lincoln’s t-shirts.

“What do you want?” she asks rudely.

“Where is Lincoln?” I ask rudely back.

She hesitates and then with a vicious smile she pushes the door wide open to reveal a very naked and very aroused Lincoln lying in the middle of the bed. He quickly flicks a thin sheet over him, but I am here to tell you it makes no difference, not even when he drags the sheet up to his chin when he sees me giving him a raking once-over. God, I have missed his body.

“Liv?” he says. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see why you suddenly left,” I say, ignoring Chrissy’s noise of protest as I walk past her into the room.

“Oh,” he says softly.

“Can we talk?” I ask briskly.

He nods and, in a flash, he is out of bed and pulling a pair of sweats on, but not before I got a look at his very sexy arse. Nympho, I tell you!

“Lincoln!” Chrissy snaps at him. “We are in the middle of something.”

“It can wait,” he says.

Ouch! I give her a wicked smile as he grabs my elbow and ushers me out of the bedroom.

“Hey, Devon,” he says as he drags me down the corridor.

“Hey,” Devon says and follows us, not really wanting to be left alone with the very angry Chrissy.

Lincoln pushes open a door that reveals an office and he shoves me inside and says to Devon, “Give us a minute.”