“To see Cole,” I say and wait for the backlash.

It doesn’t come; he just nods his head slowly, almost as if he is resigned. “Is he coming back?” he asks after a minute.

“No, he wanted me to sign divorce papers,” I say bitterly.

“Oh,” he says in genuine surprise. “Did you?”

“Yes, it’s over. He can’t accept this life of mine, and I don’t blame him. Half the time I don’t even want to accept it,” I say miserably.

He comes to me and takes my hands. “I hope that the other half of the time is the time spent with me,” he says with a small smile.

“Always,” I say to him.

I start to pull away from him, as I just want a hot bath, but he stops me. He places his forehead against mine and whispers, “I need you, Aefre. I need my wife back.”

“I’m here,” I say quietly. I know I have been bad to him these last few months, but now that Remiel and I have come to an understanding of sorts, I feel that I can ease up on my search a little.

“Are you?” he asks me seriously.

“Yes,” I reply.

“I need you,” he says again, closing his eyes briefly. “I need to feed from you, and then I need to use your body until I am satisfied and then I need reassurances from you. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes,” I whisper. “I can do that.”

“I’m sorry about the baby,” he says quietly. “I wish you had told me.”

“I wanted to be sure,” I say weakly.

“You still should have told me, Aefre. I am your husband. Your true husband. We promised no more secrets,” he says.

“I know. I’m sorry,” I say.

“We will find out who did this and make them pay,” he says.

I smile at him. “A man after my own heart. We are a perfect match,” I say.

“Then do as you just promised. I am failing without you,” he says against my lips before he kisses me.

Failing? What does that mean? I want to ask him, but he is urgently tearing at my clothes, so I make a mental note to ask him later.

I am soon naked, and he drops his fangs. With an “uhn", he sinks them into my neck, and I hiss as he hurts me. It lasts all of two seconds, because when he starts to suckle gently, I almost cream myself. He is a talented, talented Vampire. He starts to purr low in his throat as my blood gushes into his mouth and I feel awful for not being there for him.

It was at my request that he only drink from me and it was a good week ago, if not longer, that he last took from me. He releases me reluctantly and licks his lips. Then he stands back and that is my cue to undress him. I run my hands up his chest and over his shoulders, shedding his jacket and letting it drop to the floor. I see him glance at it briefly, but then he looks back at me. I roll my eyes at him. Is he really expecting me to pick it up and place it neatly on a hanger right now? I flick open the buttons on his waistcoat and let that drop onto his jacket. Next to join the pile is his silk tie and then his crisp, white shirt lands on the floor as well.

I tug on the waistband of his pants and in a flash of magick the remainder of his clothes are gone. I sink to my knees and he places his tip against my lips. I open up and take him in. I wrap my tongue around his cock and work my mouth and hand over him until he spills into my mouth with a soft grunt. I swallow and he drags me to my feet. I prepare myself as he has that look that tells me this is going to be hard and fast. He turns me around and bends me over the bed. He slides his fingers into me and murmurs, “So ready for me.”

He pierces me with his rock-hard length, and I gasp as he gives it to me hard. I brace myself as he gives me a pummeling, over and over again until I almost weep with the pleasure of it. I haven’t been ravaged in so long, and while my time with Cole earlier was incredible, it has left a bitter taste in my mouth.

This is something else. This is what I need, and it is definitely what CK needs. I come again from his attentions, right before he lets go and then he pulls out of me. I expect him to throw me to the floor and take me again, but instead I feel him kneel behind me and he places a kiss on my behind. I wait, as there has to be more–a bite or a slap, but after a few seconds I stand up straight and turn around to find him with his head bowed.

“I’m sorry, Aefre. I should treat you better than this. You are my wife, not a whore here for me to use,” he says.

“Hey,” I say, taking his face and tilting it up. “You said you needed this, and I want you to use me. I owe you this for being so distant the last few weeks.”

“You don’t owe me anything, Aefre,” he says bitterly.

“You said you needed me,” I say, trying a different tactic.