“She’ll be fine. This isn’t the first time,” he says with an unconcerned shrug.

“Oh,” I mouth at him and grab my own towel. Now I can understand her issues with him. He is a bit of a dog, really. Not that I am one to throw stones, of course, I might hastily add.

“Then why is…”

“She still around? It’s complicated,” he says.

I smile at him and say, “You are…”

“Finishing your sentences, I know,” he says with a soft smile back.

He fixes up his hair in the mirror, while his cock is still waiting to be dealt with. I am such a terrible person, but I am not finished with him yet, and neither is he with me. I reach into the folds of the towel and grab him. I tug him gently and he tries to protest, but I shush him with a finger to my lips. He closes his eyes and drops his head back as I work my hand up and down until he spills out all over my palm. He opens his eyes as I remove my hand from him, and he stares down into my eyes.

“You are so wicked,” he murmurs. “It is one of the things that I fell in love with first.” He tilts my chin up and he kisses me chastely.

“Come home,” I blurt out before he can turn from me.

“Has anything changed?’ he asks seriously.

I pause, but then I shake my head. I won’t lie to him. What would be the point?

“Then neither has my decision,” he says, and he leaves me in the bathroom, feeling his loss all over again.

A few moments later, I hear the door to the hotel room slam closed and I guess that is my cue to get out of here as well. I Astral on some clothes and make my way over to where I think I dropped the envelope when he kissed me. I find it on the table, next to a pile of shredded clothes. On top of it lies the divorce papers open to the page where my signature has to go.

It breaks my heart that Cole has already signed them. I pick up the pen, conveniently left for me, and I scrawl my name on the dotted line.

Chapter 7

I Astral back

home and land in my bedroom. I am sad after all this loss. I still feel empty inside after someone killed my baby. I will make them pay in ways that will bring their worst nightmares to life. Even if it turns out to be CK, although I am fairly sure he didn’t know about the baby when Xane told him.

“Aefre,” CK says. He is sitting on the bed and I hadn’t even seen or sensed him. I really miss that Vampire sixth sense.

“Hey,” I say as I turn to him.

“Where have you been?” he asks, standing up.

“Oh no,” I say, remembering the power he used before. “What the fuck, CK?”

“What do you mean?” he asks with a frown.

“That power you have suddenly acquired. Where in Hell did you get that from, and more importantly, how long have you had it?” I ask him suspiciously.

“Oh that,” he says, a bit embarrassed. “I was desperate to see you. It just came to me.”

“It just came to you?” I shriek at him. “CK, that was some heavy-duty power. You knocked Xane on his ass.”

“I have always had the capability to do that, Aefre,” he says haughtily. “I have just refrained myself for fear of facing your wrath.”

“With your bare hands maybe, but now with a bloody red cloud of power?” I remark. I turn my back to him and mutter, “You’ve never had offensive magick before.”

“You find my magick offensive?” he asks, but I can hear the smile in his voice.

“Doesn’t it worry you?” I ask. “That your powers are growing so much, so quickly?”

“No, the only thing that worries me is where you have been for the last hour or so,” he replies and just like that the subject is closed.