arded as he tears my panties off my body. He rips my vest top open and drops his mouth to my breasts. I throw my head back and arch my back, wanting his mouth to devour me.

I reach for his cock and he is like steel as I wrap my hand around him. He grabs my backside and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around him, as I guide his cock into me and, gripping the back of his neck with both of my hands, I ride him, just like that, standing there in the middle of his hotel room. It is a most effective way to coax an orgasm and I shudder almost immediately, muffling my cry of pleasure against his mouth.

He groans. “Oh, fuck yes,” he says as he feels me clenching around him. He spins us around and he slams me up against the wall, releasing my backside so he can trace his hands over my breasts. He tweaks my nipples before he grabs my hands and interlaces our fingers as he pushes them up above my head. He looks into my eyes as he pins me to the wall with his body and crashes his hips against mine in a frenzied rhythm. “Again,” he demands. “Now.”

“Yes,” I cry out as his even strokes light the fire in me again. “Oh, yes.” I come intensely around him, and he lets me finish before he thrusts one last time and floods me. His lips find mine and I pull my hands out of his and wrap them around him. I need to touch him, to feel his skin. He pulls away from the wall and drops to his knees, laying me gently down on the floor.

The next hour passes with the most sensual, erotic, unbelievably hot lovemaking that we have ever experienced together. He took me to heights that I have longed for with him, and he joined me time and again until we lay spent in each other’s arms on the floor in the living room of his hotel. I rest my head and my hand on his chest, while he strokes my hair. I don’t want to speak in case this precious bubble we have around us suddenly bursts and I must let him go.

Forever, this time.

“This doesn’t,” he starts. “I can’t…”

“I know,” I say, not wanting him to say the words, and will him to just give me five more minutes with him. I kiss his chest and he accepts my silent plea and we lie in silence for a few more minutes.

“I should shower,” he says abruptly, and just like that the bubble has popped.

“Okay,” I say quietly and sit up. He looks at me with those soulful, blue-gray eyes and I fight back the tears.

“Are you okay?” he asks then, tracing his thumb underneath my eyes.

I shake my head, not wanting to speak. “Are you?” I ask him instead.

He laughs bitterly. “Yeah, I fell in love with the most amazing woman. Literally, the woman of my dreams. She agreed to marry me and turn me so we could be together forever, and then it all went to Hell. I gave up everything and I ended up in a fucked-up seven-way with her and various other creatures, and there was talk of Chosen Ones and babies and an actual pregnancy. I suffered through losing her to a coma and kidnapping and I nearly slept with a man! A man that turns out to be my half-brother. And then just like that we were ripped apart by a spell and she chose not to choose me. So yeah, I’m doing great, thanks for asking.”

“Cole,” I say, but stop. There is nothing that I can say to him that will change any of this.

“You should go,” he says. “Carolyn will be here any minute now.”

He might as well have just ripped my heart out of my chest. “You are together?” I ask cautiously.

“Trying to be,” he says. “She has her issues with me.”

Probably not the least of which is that he is lying here naked and thoroughly fucked, with me of all people. I just nod because my throat is so tight, I can’t speak.

“You’ll sign the papers?” he asks.

I nod again and he nods back and stands up. I see now that this isn’t coming from him, but from her. She clearly wants me well and truly out of the picture. I am dying to know what he has told her about me and all of this. Surely, he didn’t tell her the truth. He seems to have re-integrated back into “real” life easily enough, and I recall him telling me after I got back from the Dragon Realms that they just left to go to the Underworld. There were no fake deaths or anything; they all just left. So, I suppose it is easy for him to come back here and explain his absence as a sabbatical.

I watch him as he walks into the bedroom. I stand up and prepare to gather my torn clothes to me and do a shameful Astral out, when it occurs to me that this isn’t how this is going to end. He doesn’t get the last word. I want to give him a goodbye that will make him crave to be with me and maybe, just maybe, he will come to his senses and come home. I follow him into the bathroom and slip into the shower behind him.

“Liv,” he says, but I cup his balls and his cock stands to attention. I kiss his shoulder and I was prepared to go down on him, but as it turns out he still wants me just as much as I want him. He turns in my arms and kisses me deeply and for the second time that day I find myself pressed against the wall with his cock inside me. I experience a mind-shattering orgasm just as the bathroom door opens and in strides Carolyn.

She stares at us standing in the shower panting after our fucking. Cole slides the door open and says, “This isn’t what it looks like.”

Actually, it is exactly what it looks like and Carolyn would have to be blind and stupid not to know that. She gives him a withering look and then turns her gaze to me. It hardens and she says with venom in her voice, “Just who the fuck, do you think you are?”

“His wife,” I spit out at her. Eh, sometimes I just can’t help myself.

He drops me suddenly and withdraws from me, still as hard as when he was inside me. He may have lost his Vampire stamina, but his half-Dragon twice removed one is no slouch.

Carolyn looks down with a furious gaze, but it does nothing to quell his erection. He didn’t get to finish with me and that is all that he is thinking about right now.

She flings a towel at him and says in an icy tone, “I will wait in the bedroom.”

She storms out and slams the door. He sighs and wraps the towel around his hips.

“Will she…” I start.