“The timelines don’t track,” he whispers. “Has She messed with time and put us all back onto equal times? Or are we brand new and all our memories are fake?”

“This is insane,” Cole says after they all contemplate the horror of that. “If, and that’s a big if, any of this is true, Liv will be devastated when she finds out that she has been a puppet in Tiamat’s scheme.”

“She doesn’t find out,” Constantine says, getting himself back under control. He is so close to losing it, but he must remain clear-headed. The thought that none of his memories with Aefre are real is eating away at his very essence and he feels sick. Looking at the other three men, they feel the exact same way. “We cannot tell her any of this. As Cole says, she will be hurt beyond anything she has ever experienced before. Agreed?”

He waits while they all nod their agreement of remaining silent about this, but for good measure he adds, “If I find out any one of you told her, or anyone else for that matter, whatever god you pray to won’t save you from me.” He is pleased that the threat was taken seriously. He still needs to assert himself as top dog around here.

“I’m sorry,” Corinne says. “Perhaps I should have kept my theory to myself.”

“Bit late for that,” Xane mutters still reeling from his own thoughts, and she lowers her eyes.

“I should go,” she says and without waiting for a farewell, she Teleports off.

“I have to get out of here,” Constantine says and he, too, Teleports off.

“And then there were three,” Xane says, lighting a cigarette.

“I need to feed,” Cole says to himself, but Devon is at his side instantly. He meant he would go and get a bottle of blood, but his mouth starts to water at the thought of tasting Devon again, to be reminded of Liv.

“Let’s go upstairs,” Devon says and Cole nods.

Xane watches them go with a raised eyebrow. He seriously does not get this Vampire thing. Are they that sex-crazed that anything to get their rocks off will do? Xane has never been with another man and he knows he will never be that desperate. Not even now, when he could really do with a shag. It doesn’t even have to be a good one, just a soft, warm release. The bond punches him in the stomach and he recoils from that thought and goes back to his brooding.

Chapter 3

The Dragon Realms, Date Unknown - Liv

I peer out of the window at the horrifying scene some hundred feet below me. Some poor fool is being put to death and I am pretty sure they put me in this room for a very good reason: try to escape and it will be me being pushed against my will into the moat of Dragon Fire. I turn away, feeling slightly ill, and run my hand over my round stomach. I can’t say for sure how long I have been here, but it isn’t that long in Dragon Realm days. However, I dread to think how many Earth days I have been missing from my family. I turn as the door opens and my breakfast arrives. I smile as I am ravenous.

“Good morning,” Remiel says to me with a smile. He is carrying a tray of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, with a glass of orange juice. Who knew you could get regular food here?

“Hi,” I say softly. He drops the tray gently on the bed and then hurries over to help me. He takes me under the elbow, and I lean on him ever so slightly. I am huge. This baby has grown to practically full size in the few short days I have been here. It makes me slow, lazy, and very, very hungry. Remiel helps me into bed and I smile my thanks. He places the little-legged tray over my lap and tucks it gently against my bump.

“How do you feel today?” he asks, eyes fixed firmly on my belly.

“Okay, I guess,” I say. He takes his hand and lovingly strokes me. I let him and he keeps his hand there until I push it away to get to my food. He chuckles at me and once again ensures the tray is tucked up neatly against me. I take the single black rose in the vase he has brought for me and I sniff it before leaning over awkwardly to place it on the bedside cabinet.

“She’s getting so big,” he comments, and I can see him wanting to touch me again. I pat the bed next to me, and he scrambles up quickly to lie next to me with his hand resting lightly on me.

“How can you be so sure it’s a she?” I ask with a sidelong glance.

“Of course, it’s a girl,” he scoffs. “She was created to be just that.”

“If you say so,” I say and start to shovel food into my mouth at a rapid rate. I have no shame. I am the size of a small house anyway so I might as well eat like it. The breakfast is soon polished off and Remiel moves the tray to the floor. I lie back, fully replete, and close my eyes.

“Do you want to rest?” he asks me.

I shake my head, now is my chance. You might think I have lost my mind or given in to Stockholm syndrome, but no, this Vampire-slash-Dragon-slash-Faerie has a plan. “Can you take me for a walk?” I ask quietly. “I am restless, and I need to walk somewhere other than this room.”

He frowns at me as I knew he would. He is weighing up whether he can trust me. “Tiamat said,” he starts, but I put my hand over his and interrupt him.

“Tiamat has dampened my Powers. I can’t get out of here without assistance and to be honest I’m not sure I want to. I am a little afraid of what happens next,” I say with a slight waver to my voice. I am over-the-top pissed that my mother cast a spell on me. I still have my Powers; V.A. isn’t bound, She is just out of commission for a while. They clearly didn’t trust me not to stay here and with good reason. Had I been able to, I would have left the second I got here.

“Oh, Aefre,” he says. “You have no need to be afraid. I will be here for you and our baby. I will make sure you are completely unharmed.”

“I know. I trust you,” I say with a slow, sexy yet shy smile.

It has the desired effect and he says, “Come then, I will take you for a short walk.”