“I bet it did,” he growls at me, taking in a deep breath and coming up with Lincoln and I covered in each other’s scents. Oops, forgot to take a shower. I blush furiously as I mentally send Dragon fire at myself. Such a stupid, rookie mistake.

“Pack issues,” I say forcefully and Lincoln nods in agreement.

“Well, now that you are back, we need to have that talk,” he says. I nod, thinking I can’t put it off anymore. He already tried to talk to me earlier, but I distracted him with…other things. I have no idea what he has to say, but I am sure I’m not going to like it. I go over to him and embrace him. He hugs me stiffly back and then pushes me away. I feel the pang of rejection, but only have myself to blame. I turn to Cole and find it odd that whenever I go and come back, they are together like brand new BFFs. It’s almost like they are whispering to each other behind my back. I frown as that nasty thought worms its way through my brain, but then hold my arms out for my charge and he steps into my embrace, but just as quickly pushes me away. I huff at both of them and say, “Fine, I will go and shower.” Right before a wave of Power comes rushing through the room. “Mother,” I say to Her as She appears before us in a magnificent gown of black silk with a black cloak and her black hair upswept in a severe do. Geez, who died? Oh, geez! Who died?

“ValamAtrux,” She says. “You are well?”

“Yes,” I say with a smile and step forward almost as if I am expecting some praise.

“Good,” She says. “It’s about time.”

My smile disappears and I chew my lip. I should have known better than that.

“Well, now that you have gone through your first time, we can get you prepared for conceiving in three months’ time,” She states to the silent room.

“Erm,” I say. “Three months? Xanthe said twice a year or so.” Oh no, my whole body fills with dread that I have to do that again so soon and for the rest of my unnatural life.

“Not for you,” She says. “You were made to bear this child. You will be given as much opportunity as is necessary. Hopefully it will take on the first attempt.”

What? I was made to bear this child? What the fuck? “No,” I say to Her. “No, I am not having a baby.” The gods! How many more times do I have to say it?

She narrows Her eyes at me and says, “Oh, yes you will, ValamAtrux. You will give me the future Empress.”

“What’s the rush?” I ask. “I am the future Empress.” This kid had better get in line, dammit.

“You?” She scoffs at me, Her face full of scorn. “You are nothing, but a crossbreed designed to give me my heir.”

What? I step back in shock as if She has just slapped me, which doubles with the fact that another wave of Power has just rushed across the room in the form of my father, who heard this last comment. His look of outrage far outweighs my own and looking at both Lincoln and CK who are growling and making for Tiamat as I hold them back, as they are equally as furious on my behalf. Cole on the other hand, remains perfectly silent. Clearly choosing Tiamat’s side over this baby business. I am going to have to have serious words with my husband.

“How dare you speak to my daughter that way!” Drake roars at Her. Christ, I thought CK had volume, but Drake nearly brought the house down.

Tiamat ignores him and continues to me, “Do you really think I would allow a creature with your tainted blood to rule my Empire? You have only been given this much Power, so you are capable of carrying the true Empress.”

The tears prick my eyes at Her harsh words. I cannot believe that this is what She truly thinks of me, after all this time, pretending to be my mother, pretending I had a place in Her world, but all I am to Her is an incubator designed to give her what She wants.

“Tia,” Drake warns Her and flicks his hand, creating a ball of lightning.

“You stay out of this,” She sneers at him, the crackle of Power coming from Her, set off by his own. “She is not your daughter.”

And the same old argument begins.

“You were never supposed to know about her,” Tiamat yells in frustration.

“It was one of your own who told me about her in the first place,” he bellows back.

That catches Tiamat off guard, and I pity the fool who went behind Her back.

“Why do you care so much about her?” Tiamat shrieks. “Your people will never accept a Halfling like her as she is with Dragon blood running through her veins.”

“How wrong you could be,” Drake drawls calmly. “Not only have they accepted her, they worship her as the Messiah. She will be the one to bring our Kingdoms to greatness.”

Erm, Messiah? Oh, holy crap, what the fuck does that mean? I chance a look at CK who is glaring at me as if he has never seen me before. Cole just looks hurt that I never told him I had some sort of Jesus status going on and Lincoln just rolls his eyes at me.

“Hah!” Tiamat scoffs. “You will never get to her. Never. She will mate with the Chosen One if I have to hold her down while he does it!” She lunges at me, but Drake fires the lightning at Her and She stumbles back a bit. Shit, I hate to think what would have happened if that had hit any of us. We would probably have ended up a pile of cinder that Esther had to sweep up. I push the four of us back into a corner with outstretched arms and a gulp as She rounds on Drake.

“You lay one finger on her and I will start a war so bad that it will make the one our grandparents started look like child’s play,” Drake says to Her.

“You don’t scare me,” She retorts and sends a stream of Dragon fire at him.