“Done, my beautiful,” he says without hesitation and she smiles her lovely smile at him.

Cole, who had been up to this point still sleeping, wakes up. He exchanges a fearful look with Constantine, and he basks in it. Aefre turns to Cole and gives him a quick kiss and then sits up. “Did you do as I asked?” she asks back to him.

“I did,” Constantine says. “Jess went to the florist. She should be back by now.”

“Give me a minute and then help me downstairs to find her,” she says.

“Of course,” he says and helps her off the bed. He watches her pad slowly into the bathroom and every cell in his body wants to go and pick her up and carry her in there, but if she wanted the help, she would have asked.

“Anything?” Cole asks quietly.

Constantine shakes his head, still watching his wife’s progress, ready, as always, to catch her if she falls.

Chapter 10

Buckinghamshire, England, September 2013 – Liv

I can feel CK’s eyes on me as I make my way to the bathroom. He is watching me in case I stumble. I try not to; I hate this weakness. I am not used to being so vulnerable. And I am not used to being refused sex. Although, I must admit that I don’t think I would enjoy it and it just sounds like too much activity for me right now. Still, I know how hard it is for him, both of them, and I felt like I had to offer. I will do the same with Cole later, when we have a minute to ourselves, as he is in desperate need of some intimacy and I will give it to him if he asks. Part of me hopes he doesn’t, but I doubt it. CK’s restraint, he does not have. I make it without incident and close the door, breathing a sigh of relief and relaxing my shoulders. I hadn’t realized I was so tense. I avoid the mirror as I go to run the bath. I turn on the taps and sit heavily on the side. Moments later my alone time is ruined as they both dash in with matching reprimands on their lips.

“If you wanted a bath, I would have done it for you,” CK says as Cole says, “Liv, just ask for help, we are here for you.”

Christ, I just wanted a bath. I am quite able to do it myself. This whole me-being-ill and these two hovering over me has now lost all of its appeal. “I can take care of it myself,” I snap at them and they look a bit lost that I seem to be getting back to normal. Appearances are deceiving though as I suddenly slip off the side of the tub and land in a floppy heap on the floor. I start to twitch and something about this is starting to feel familiar. Ah, crap. It hits me that my Dragon needs some TLC from her very special friend. I think Cole realizes this as well when he stamps his foot in a fit of temper and says to CK, “Help her up, I’ll have to go and contact Finn.”

“Who is Finn?” CK asks, seriously not happy to be out of the loop.

“Her Guardian,” Cole snaps and stomps off to go and call him. Not via the phone, of course, but the magick mirror Tiamat sent him back with once he was ready for active duty. Yeah, I cringed at that fairy-tale wannabe as well.

“Aperio!” I hear him yell the spell to reveal Finn.

“What is a Guardian?” CK asks, now in a temper to match Cole’s, as he drags me roughly to my feet. So much for treating me like a China doll and not wanting to hurt me. I think I would definitely have preferred sex.

“He looks after her Dragon Powers,” Cole says, returning with the mirror. He shakes it a few times and says the spell again. “It’s not working,” he says in frustration.

“Are you even capable of using that to call him?” CK asks in derision, and I would smack the pair of them if I could lift my arm high enough.

“Of course,” Cole sneers back. “Who do you think Tiamat meant this for? Liv?”

I take massive offense in my pitiable state to that comment. So, I don’t ask for help, so what? Doesn’t mean that I should be scorned in such a manner.

“Humph,” CK says as he appears to completely accept that explanation. Wow, feeling the love here all of a sudden.

“It’s not working,” Cole says again. “Why is he not answering?”

I really don’t care right about now. V.A. is violently flapping Her wings in protest and it actually hurts.

“I’m here,” Finn says as he Astrals in behind Cole. “Get out.”

CK grabs him by the throat and growls at him. “Who the Hell do you think you are talking to?”

Finn looks nonplussed by the assault on his person and says, “If you don’t let me attend to her now, she is going to be in even more of a mess. Now get your hands off me and get out so I can work.”

CK reluctantly lets him go and steps back, crossing his arms. “I am not going anywhere. I have no idea who you are, and I will not leave you alone with my wife.”

Finn looks to Cole, who, now that he has a powerful buddy on his side, also stands his ground, arms crossed. “

I suggest you fill him in quickly. I cannot be disturbed once I start.”

“Start what?” CK snarls, getting more irate by the second.