I nod, as that is all I have the energy to do. After a few minutes of no one saying anything, I ask, “Can one of you please wash me?”

As expected, they both leap forward and grab a sponge and washcloth. I am lathered up good and proper, hair to toes, and once rinsed off, I feel marginally better. Cleaner, if nothing else. I am helped out and wrapped in a towel and then accosted by Devon who comes hurtling into the bathroom, presumably as he saw the empty bed.

“Lizzie!” he yells and slams into me, crushing me in a bear hug.

“Oof.” My muffled cry goes unnoticed as he squeezes me even tighter.

“Let go of her!” CK snaps and drags him away.

“Oh, thank the gods you’re awake. We were at a loss; we had no idea what to do. How did he take you? How did he manage to get to you? What did he do to you?” He is rambling and firing all these questions at me. I am exhausted just listening to him.

“Bed,” I say, and he picks me up and carries me over, placing me gently down. I shiver in the breeze again and now realize why. It is September. I have lost three months by being unconscious.

“Cold,” I mutter.

“I’m here, my love. I’m not going anywhere,” Cole says, sitting down next to me.

“Huh?” I mumble.

“She said ‘cold,’ you idiot,” CK snaps at him. “Go and get her something to wear.”

“Not the frumps,” I say, meaning that hideous nightgown.

After some bustling about, I am dressed in a camisole top and loose pajama bottoms that they pulled out from who knows where and tucked up under a nice warm blanket. I feel less sick now that I am lying down again, but then sit back up with a start, causing my head to spin.

“My hair,” I say to Devon and he understands immediately what I want from him. He grabs a comb and starts to work it through, getting rid of all the tangles.

Now I feel a hundred percent better. That’s not saying much though as I started off somewhere around minus a million on the scale of one to ten.

“Try and stay awake for a bit, my love,” CK says, edging Devon out of the way so he can sit next to me. “I don’t want to lose you again.”

I nod wearily and Devon says, “So what happened?”

“I am sure she doesn’t want to recount that tale just yet,” CK says.

“No, it’s okay,” I say. Clearly, they don’t know of Cade’s involvement so I can swing this any way I want. “First though, where is Cade?” I want to ask now about Lincoln and Xane and even Jess, but Cade is probably at death’s door with me being out of it for so long and I need to know. Disloyalty aside, he is still my charge and my responsibility.

“He is on one of his walkabouts,” Cole says grimly. “Haven’t seen him for a few weeks.”

“He needs me,” I say. “Find him.”

They all nod at me, but none of them go to do as I ask. I sigh and say, “So I was in the library minding my own business and he just appeared behind me and clawed me before I could do anything about it. I was alone and he was prepared and quicker and that’s all there is to it.”

Three angry faces stare back at me.

“But why then?” Devon asks. “Why did he wait so long?”

“He couldn’t find his head,” I say to them and start to laugh again as it does just sound too funny.

The three angry faces turn into ones of complete un-amusement as I chuckle to myself.

“Explain,” CK snaps at me.

My laughter has drained me, so I gather myself for a few moments and then tell them the story. Leaving out, of course, Cade’s involvement in getting his head back.

“So basically, he resurrected himself,” Devon says.

“Yes, exactly that, my darling boy,” I say with a tired beam at him.