“Don’t think about him,” Sebastian says as he crawls up me to kiss me. “Just think about me.”

I smile at him. “I like waking up with you,” I say as I caress his face.

“I do too. I wish it was like this always.” He sighs. “Aefre,” he says seriously. “Come away with me. You don’t need to be married to him. I know you love him, but what we have is so much more. You should be my wife.”

“Oh, Sebastian, don’t, my love. I will never leave him. Don’t ask me to.” I turn away from him and he makes a noise of frustration.

“He has hurt you more times than I can count. When have I ever hurt you? I will never, ever hurt you.” He turns me back to face him and says, “We belong together, you know that.”

“Stop it, Sebastian. Don’t spoil our time together,” I say and pout at him and he kisses me.

We are interrupted by a knock at the door. Sebastian gets up to answer it after we tried to ignore it for a few minutes, but to no avail.

“The Princess is requested to see His Highness,” a servant says as Sebastian glares at him.

“Later,” he says, closing the door.

The servant puts a hand up to stop him with an apologetic look. “His Highness was most insistent that the Princess attend now. I am to bring her to him,” he says as he waits.

I climb out of bed and pull on a gown similar to that I wore yesterday, but in black with an open back. I don’t care about provoking him now and think briefly if I should Shift back, but decide against it in a fit of cowardice, disgusted at myself for letting him get to me.

“Aefre, you don’t need to go as soon as he calls. You are Empress of the Dragon Realms and Underworld, you do not get beckoned,” Sebastian says with an air of authority that has the servant cringing as he remembers who he is dealing with. But his fear of his King outweighs anything he might feel about us.

“I will go,” I say with a placatory hand on him. I can sense his anger and strong emotions tend to make him volatile and unpredictable. His temper far outdoes my own and mine is legendary and very hard to forget. “If, for no other reason than to save this poor man from getting into trouble,” I say with a small smile to the servant who looks relieved and grateful.

“Then I will come with you. I don’t want you alone with him,” he says as he sees my resolve.

“The Princess is to come alone,” the servant ventures quietly.

I was expecting it. Separating me from Sebastian, the only ally I have here, is a savvy move and one I would probably do myself in his position.

“It’s fine, Sebastian. I will see you shortly,” I reassure him.

He bends down to kiss me. “I will be waiting right outside,” he whispers and turns to get dressed to follow us.

I swish out of the room behind the servant, who leads me downstairs and to what I can only assume is Drake’s office, as he knocks and opens the door when bid. He ushers me in and then leaves hastily. Drake is standing in the center of the room, which turns out to be an office-library type affair.

“I trust you slept well,” he says sarcastically as he stares at me with those cold, violet eyes.

“Fine, thank you,” I reply, and he sneers, knowing I am lying.

He sweeps his gaze over me. “Your marriage to Kalen must take place at the next full moon. You will be in a Holy union with him, as is fitting, before you share a room with him here again.”

I had wondered what that was about yesterday. It was a test. One I clearly failed by not insisting on two rooms. It annoys me though. “So, it is okay to have sex with him, but not share a room with him?” I ask bravely.

My daring words anger him and his eyes flash. “There is nothing more important than the child you will bear, but you are Princess of this Court and you will act accordingly. You will be here at the next full moon, three weeks from now, to wed.”

“I am already wed,” I say, getting angry as I turn my back to him, mostly in an effort to anger him, but also a little bit so that he won’t see my terrified expression.

“That union is not recognized here,” he scoffs. “It is meaningless.”

I keep my back turned as the hurt of his words pierce my heart, but then I remember who I am and turn to back to face him stiffly and say, “Very well. We shall return three weeks from now.”

He looks momentarily pleased that I have acquiesced so easily. He probably thought he would have more of a fight on his hands. But then his usual c

ruel expression returns, and he sits at the big round table in the middle of the room. I assume I am dismissed and step towards the door, but then he says, “Maurelle will arrange everything, all you need to do is turn up and do your duty by me. It won’t be a big affair; the embarrassment is bad enough without having it celebrated.”

I know he has said it to goad me and I should just ignore him and leave, but I can’t. I have to know why he hates me, so, cursing myself, I round on him and ask, “Why do you hate me so much? Why did you come to find me if I am such a great disappointment? Why not just leave me be?”