“I can assure you, Mrs. O’Dell, that my dreams do not consist of you. In any manner. Especially after that witch-you arrived here earlier.” He shudders in distaste.

“Oh, tried it on with you, did she?”

“Lizzie, she tried it on with all of us,” Devon complains. “I am quite concerned she is going to make good on her threat and try to come back.”

“Agreed,” Lincoln says with a gulp. “I didn’t like her.”

“You didn’t seem to be complaining when I came to rescue you,” I say slyly to which everyone wolf whistles at him and he blushes profusely.

“I never said she wasn’t hot,” he says, thoroughly embarrassed. “Just that I didn’t like her.”

“Well, rest assured I will protect you from her if she comes back,” I say with a smile and he beams back at me.

“Now for that I don’t mind you swooping in to be the hero.”

“Good. Now if you all don’t mind, I need some time alone. It’s going to be a hectic next few days and I need a bit of peace after events yesterday,” I say.

“I don’t want to leave you on your own,” Devon says and frowns at me.

“I won’t be. Cade is staying.” There are grumbles all around until I say, “That is his job. How is he supposed to help me if he isn’t near me?”

Cade steps forward now and exerts some authority over my group. “Get out,” he says boldly.

They all glare at him but he stands his ground and affirms, “You heard the lady. She wants some peace. Give her some.”

I glow at him and his protection of me. Yes, he is definitely the man for the job, I think, as they all back out of the room, in bad grace, but they go nonetheless, wary of his Hunter magick.

“Thank you,” I say to him as he closes the door.

“No problem. Although, are you sure you want me around as well?”

“I’m just going to be in the bedroom getting a bit of space. You don’t need to come in there with me.”

“Glad to hear it,” he mutters. “Anyway, I have this contract to look over that Sebastian gave me earlier.”

“Sebastian?” I ask, confused. “What for?” I hold my hand out and see it is terms of agreement for being in my employ, no doubt courtesy of my overbearing, control-freak sire. “Well, don’t take anything in it personally. If there is anything you don’t like, be sure to mention it,” I say.

“Oh, have no worries, Queen Liv. I will. I already have a list of ‘won’t do’s’, I want you to look at.”

I burst out laughing. “Yes, I am sure you do. Erm, I am going to disappear for a short while in about half an hour. I won’t be gone long, but if anyone asks, just tell them I’m sleeping or something.”

“Very well. I have a feeling I don’t want to know, but you should tell me where.”

“Probably not,” I mumble, “but I will just be downstairs in another suite.”

He sighs as he catches on that I am sneaking about to be with someone. “Just make sure you are safe,” he says. “You know, because I don’t want to have got this six-figure gig just to have it taken away because you got killed or something,” he adds gruffly to show his detachment of any concern for me.

I hide my smile and say, “Sure. I wouldn’t dare destroy your dream job with my untimely death.”

His eyes snap to mine in a rare show of real amusement and I just smile serenely and say, “He is friend, not foe. Don’t worry about it.” I walk back into the bedroom, closing the door quietly.

Chapter 6

I take a long soak in the tub, enjoying just being by myself. I almost grudgingly get out when it is time to go and meet Sebastian. I Astral down, hoping he is alone, and I land in front of him, making him jump a mile.

“Christ. Don’t you knock?” he snaps at me good-naturedly.

“I didn’t come via the door,” I say back to him. I Shift into Xerxei, looking badass if I do say so myself, and change into a very sheer, lacy negligee. Well, he said he might want to touch, might as well give him something to look at first.