“What about your family?” I ask, concerned.

“None of their business,” he says quickly.

I nod and then snuggle back into him, needing his arms around me, warming me. He sighs again, but content this time. I twiddle the ring I gave to him and he clasps my hand in his. I know he wants to say something but hesitates.

“You want to know about the kids other you has with other her, don’t you?” I ask with a big smile and he clears his throat.

“Maybe,” he says. “Do you know?”

“Yes. Do you want to know?”

“Yes,” he says softly.

“Two sons,” I say. “I don’t know their names.”

“I like that,” he says happily. “I can sense you have something to say about The Thirteen,” he says, changing the subject abruptly.

“I do. I was going to wait until tonight to tell everyone but seeing as you ask…she told me how to get rid of him.” I tell him what she told me.

“Oh, good. Can I come with you?”

“Err, I have no idea. I suppose you could piggyback as well, but I think this is something I have to do alone.”

“No, I get that, but I don’t like the idea of you going alone with no one to watch you. I won’t interfere but I would feel happier if you had someone there. Preferably me.”

“Okay, if you can make the journey, then I will be happy to have you there. But you do it on your own, I can’t be responsible for helping you when I have to concentrate.”

“Good,” he says, a bit relieved I didn’t argue about it. Truth be told, I am glad he offered to come. He is probably the only one who is capable of making the trip and getting back in one, non-fried, piece.

“I should probably be heading back,” I say to his disappointment. “Can I take a shower?”

“Can I join you?”

“Of course. It’s your shower. I wouldn’t dream of kicking you out of it,” I say with a giggle and he stands, pulling me up with him and leading me to his bathroom. It’s very much like my one at home, black marble and low lighting.

He turns the jets on, and we step into the massive shower and I just stand for a moment,

eyes closed, feeling the water cascade over me before I feel him touch me again, and I lose myself to him.

“I love you,” he whispers over and over as he gives me a very slow, very thorough seeing to under this waterfall of a shower.

“I love you,” I murmur back completely under his spell (figuratively speaking, not a literal spell…I don’t think, anyway).

He hisses as he hears my words and lets me go, rubbing his left inside wrist.

“What?” I ask him, pushing my wet hair out of my face. “What is it?”

He is staring at his wrist for the longest time before he shows me: an exact replica of my Demon marking, only smaller.

“Holy crap,” I say as I grab his arm.

“Truly yours now,” he says, the love filling his eyes as he picks me up and starts all over again right from the beginning with little kisses and ending with a joint orgasm that leaves me weak in the knees and my heart pounding.

Chapter 12

He leaves me to get dressed in the bathroom as he goes to answer the door.

“Xander! You’re back,” I hear him say and assume this must be another brother. I exit the bathroom, hair still wet, combing it out. I am curious to meet this fellow that Xane seems happy to have home.