“So now we just have to wait for him to show up I guess?”

“I suppose. The sooner I can get rid of him the better. Well, I really should go and see Cade. And I still need time with Xane and CK wants to talk to me. So much for taking a break,” I grumble.

“I think you are going to have to resign yourself to the fact that it is impossible. I have,” he says quietly. “I have an errand to run. I’ll be about an hour if you go and speak to your sire and Cade, then we can just be together when I get back.”

“I like the sound of that. What are you going out for?”

“Nothing you need worry about just yet,” he says slyly.

“Oh, a present?” I ask.

“Maybe,” he says. “I’ll go shower and change, and I’ll see you back here soon.”

“Okay,” I say, standing. My first point of call is actually going to be Sebastian. We have to have that talk again and the sooner the better. He kisses me quickly and I Astral off to Sebastian’s suite, thankful to have my husband back where he belongs.

Chapter 8

“Seb?” I call out as I land in his suite.

He comes out of the bedroom and regards me, “I know what you did. Or at least what Tiamat did, and you agreed to.”

“Excuse me?” I say, taken somewhat aback.

“I didn’t forget. I have remembered everything as you have. What you did, that you told Cole and he left you and that Tiamat came here to undo it.”

“Uh…” I say, desperately trying to get my head around that.

“I haven’t told our sire, yet,” he says slyly, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. “He will be monumentally pissed at you if he finds out he had you and you took that away from him.”

I shake my head. “No, Seb, please you can’t tell him,” I say, stepping forward. “You heard what She said, that it has to be this way.”

“I take it you came down here to re-have the conversation about your Fae heritage,” he says, ignoring me. “Fortunately for you, I remember that as well.”

“How do you remember?” I ask, still fearful, as his whole demeanor has shifted to one, I am unfamiliar with.

He shrugs. “Must be a Faerie thing. You are building up quite the treasure trove of secrets, aren’t you, little one? And it just so happens that I seem to know about them all.”

I gulp, as this is now true. From himself to Xane, the Faerie business and now this. How did I let this happen?

I go on the defensive and cross my arms too, saying, “You have a few of your own there, Princie, be careful who you are threatening.”

He smiles a slow, predatory smile and says, “You won’t tell. My secret is big, but yours are just as destructive if they come out. Especially the Fae secret, it’s kind of tit-for-tat, really.” He moves closer to me and in a very swift move, grabs my left hand and pulls my Faerie Silver ring off at the same time as he pushes me into the patch of sunlight over by the windows. I gasp in shock and wait for the burn as I duck back into the shadows, shrinking against the wall. But it didn’t come.

I throw him a look of pure rage. “You bastard. You just tried to kill me.”

He chuckles and holds up the ring. “No, I just showed you don’t need this, just as I don’t.” He walks into the sun and grabs my hand again, pulling me into the light. I flinch as he holds me tightly. I look up at him in shock. “What? I don’t understand. How did you know that I wouldn’t need the ring?”

“I didn’t. At least not one hundred percent sure,” he shrugs as I gape at him. “Don’t worry, had you started to sizzle, I would have put you out. I don’t think you can maintain it forever but…” He laughs at my horror and replaces my ring that hasn’t been removed in over a thousand years. “So, you see, my secret is now your secret.”

I shake my head. “Not exactly. I am pretty sure that my blood doesn’t have the effect that yours does and what do you mean about maintaining it?”

“Because you aren’t true Faerie. Only half. A powerful half to be sure, but still only half. Well, is it even half? Your conception is quite confusing. But your blood does have its own power. I told you in Vegas it is like a drug. They feed from you and you have them at your mercy. You can ask them to do anything and they will do it. Haven’t you noticed?” he asks, squinting at me. “Or did you just think it was your girlish charm that sways your lovers?”

“What are you talking about? I don’t control anybody,” I say with an authority I don’t really feel. I try to think back to a situation where what he says makes sense, but I can’t think of anything.

“I can feel the pull to do your bidding, but it is easy to resist. You’re going to test it now, aren’t you?” he says with a half-smile.

“No!” I say loudly. Probably too loudly because, err yeah, I’m g