“Light Fae,” he corrects me. “Faerie is all of us. Fae is us, divided. And I chose to be a Vampire to be like Constantine. All I ever wanted was to be just like him. Even as a child he was this presence that you wanted to be near…oh shit…” he says as he notices my expression turn from interest to shock.

“You big, fat liar!” I shout at him, punching him in the arm. “You said you didn’t know him as a human and now you say you were children together? That you grew up together?”

“Liv. Please. Understand that this is something that is private. Personal for him and me. Don’t poke at it and ask me questions you know that he won’t want me answering. I am here to tell you about me, not him.”

I stand and start to pace. I can’t believe this. I can’t believe that there is still a person alive in this world that knew my sire as a human. “Seb, please. You have to give me something. Anything.” I drop to my knees in front of him to his surprise.

“No, don’t ask me. And please don’t look at me like that. I know that look. It twists him around your little finger. Stop looking at me.” He covers my eyes with his hand. I take his hand and pull it away and say, “Please, Seb.”

“No. If he wanted you to know, he would have told you.”

Well, he might as well have just slapped me in the face. But the truth hurts, so I sit back on my heels and chew on my lip to stop me from asking again.

He stares at me and clears his throat. “So that is my story.”

“What did your father do when he found out you were turned?”

“He was furious, but there was nothing he could do. He wouldn’t allow me to rule as I was, and I couldn’t change back. I didn’t want to change back. He banished me and that is that.”

“And yet you still retained your powers. I just don’t understand that. Wow. A Prince.” I shake my head at him.

“Says you, the Queen,” he points out.

“Hm, yes, I tend to forget that a lot of the time. Nobody particularly treats me that way.”

“Because you give them too much power over you. What you are doing next week will be good for them. They will see that they can’t make demands on you all the time.”

“Even CK?”

“No, not him. You should divorce your husband and marry him,” he says bluntly.

I blink at him. “Not shy about voicing your opinions, are you? Tell me something, are you able to sire? Do your charges have your abilities?” I ask, changing the subject.

He looks taken aback. “I am able to sire and no, my charges don’t have my abilities.”

“So, it is just your actual physical blood. It wears off?” I am thinking out loud, but he follows my train of thought and says, “Yes.”

“I see. Did CK mention that we spoke about you in Italy?”

“Yes, he did.” Sebastian leans closer to me still sitting on the floor. “Sure I can’t change your mind?” he whispers, his lips inches from mine.

I feel a fizz go down my spine and I part my lips. He kisses me softly. “I am due a feeding session,” he says as he pulls me up and onto his lap. “You first, please,” he adds huskily.

I drop my fangs and he wraps his arms around me as I lower my mouth to his neck. He groans softly as I pierce his skin and his delicious blood pours into my mouth.

“Oh, Liv,” he whispers as he brings his hand up to hold me close to him, “I want you so much.” I pull back but before I can respond to his words, he unzips my comfy hoodie and brushes it from my shoulders before he drops his own fangs and roughly bites me, sending a thrill through me. He releases me and takes my face in his hands, eyes fixed firmly on mine. He whispers to me, words I don’t follow. I blink and my head feels fuzzy as he gives me a chaste kiss on the lips. He trails his hands down my arms and I feel the sparks of electricity shoot through me.

“I know you can feel it,” he whispers. “I know you feel it too. It’s like it was meant to be, Liv. Think how I could make you feel if you let me touch you. Really touch you. Make lov

e to you.”

My breathing gets heavier as I feel his hands moving up and down my arms and I can imagine how he would make me feel. I close my eyes and he kisses me again. “Let me make love to you. Just once and you will see how we can make each other feel. How right it is between us,” he says.

“Uh,” I mutter desperately as I pull his head closer to mine, kissing him back with fervor. I wiggle on his lap as I feel him growing against me and another thrill goes through me. I am getting lost in his touch and his kisses when there is a very loud thumping against the door. I jump off his lap like a scalded cat as I sense Cole and bend to retrieve my discarded jacket, pulling it back on me as I calm my breathing and try to ease the sexual energy running through me.

“Come in,” calls Sebastian with a look at me that suggests he hopes Cole walks in and knows something is up.

“Liv?” Cole asks as he opens the door. “You’ve been gone longer than five minutes. I was worried,” he says, and I feel rotten. I put my hand to my mouth and say, “I was just on my way back up.” I cross over to him, but Sebastian says, “No. I am to take you back up myself.” He gestures for me to take his hand.