“Yes,” I say, and she nods and ticks it off my list of reminders.

CK looks on in approval and I smile at him. He smiles back at me and says, “Sebastian wants to see you.”

“What? Why?”

“He has a proposal for you. You will have to talk to him about it.”

“Liv…” Cole starts but CK interrupts him.

“It won’t take long. I will escort you to his suite and make sure he brings you back here himself.”

“Fine. He gets five minutes.” I sigh. I know what he wants to talk about, and I must go and reassure him I won’t tell. I stand and CK holds his hand out to me. I lean down to kiss Cole first, telling him I won’t be long, and then let CK Teleport me to Sebastian. He must have been expecting us, as he doesn’t look surprised to see us as we land in the middle of his sitting room. I must remember to talk about boundaries with this lot at some point.

“Liv,” he says. “Thank you for coming to see me…” he trails off as CK has pulled me in for a kiss, pushing his tongue firmly between my lips. He runs his hands down my back and I pull him closer to me. I tug on his shirt, forgetting all about where I am, and Sebastian clears his throat. “Unless I can join in this time, I would ask that you stop that right now before it goes any further.”

We pull away looking smug and unapologetic. “Sorry,” I murmur. “But please note that my point has been made. Whenever we are alone together, we can’t keep our hands off each other. This is why I can’t come to you this week,” I say to CK.

“Point taken. But I will have you at some point,” he says, kissing me and trailing his hand over my stomach.

I bat his hand away. “I don’t think it is what you are thinking,” I say. “It’s too soon.”

“We’ll see,” he says. “Sebastian, make sure you take her back up to her suite yourself. She is not to go anywhere unattended.”

“You aren’t staying?” I ask.

“No, I have business to conduct. I do still have a day job, you know.”

“Really? I wouldn’t have guessed,” I say innocently, and he chuckles.

“Remember what I said about kings, my sweet.”

“Hm, indeed.” I let him kiss me again and he Teleports out, leaving me alone with Sebastian.

“What are you?” I ask him rudely as he gestures for me to sit on the sofa.

“I beg your pardon?” He looks amused.

“I know you are Faerie, but you are more than that. More than a Vampire with Faerie powers. You are more than a Fae-pire,” I accuse him, pointing my finger at him.

“Fae-pire?” he snorts. “I quite like that.”

“Start talking, Gautier,” I snap at him and he laughs at me using his surname.

“Sit, cherie,” he says, patting the seat next to him. “I suppose I must tell you something.”

I sit, keeping my eyes on him. I don’t want him telling me then spelling me, so I forget, even though that is, allegedly, not one of his powers.

“Don’t look so suspicious,” he chides me. “You are right, I am more than just an ordinary Faerie, with Vampire powers. Or a Vampire with Faerie powers.”

“So, what are you then? How is it that you managed to keep your Faerie abilities when you were turned?”

“We don’t know. The only other person who has managed to retain their other powers is Corinne, but she cast a spell.”

“Go on,” I say. “I am wildly curious as to your heritage. I know little about the Faerie, except what I know about the Faerie Silver.”

He sighs. “Before Constantine turned me, I was the Light Fae Prince. My father was King.”

Oh, wow! Impressive. “Fae? You were Fae royalty? That explains your immense power. But not why you still have it. And why on earth would you choose to be a Vampire over King of the Faeries?”