I rush to Cole’s side and place my hand on his chest. “CK, please let him go. I’ll stay,” I whisper desperately to him.

“Good,” he says and lets him go. Cole places his hand on mine and stills. He fingers the rings there, the rings that he gave me. The perfect black diamonds. He looks at me curiously and with hope until CK grabs my hand and pulls them off and pockets them. I clench my hand in a fist, the only ring left on my hand is my Faerie Silver ring and it feels wrong. CK hauls me up to my feet and whispers, “You know what to do.” I blink at him and remove the ring from my right hand and place it on my left. “Good girl,” he murmurs and kisses me. I don’t kiss him back as I am so mad with him, I could kill him. I pull away and rush to the back of the, well, whatever this is we are travelling on, pleased to find a bedroom section. I close the door quietly and the tears fall silently down my face. This is wrong. So wrong. It isn’t how it was supposed to be. We aren’t supposed to just be here like this. We are supposed to live to get here. I have lost Cole. There is no way I can get us out of here as I have no doubt that CK will make good on his threat if I take away his dream.

“Livvie,” Sebastian says, coming into the room. “Are you okay?”

“No.” I brush the tears away with my hand.

“Where did you two go?” he asks, concerned.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Clearly it does. Speak to me, my love. Tell me why you are so upset.”

“Are you with Jess?” I ask instead.

He looks taken aback. “Of course. We are married. But you know it is you I love.”

“What?” I say, weary. “You love me?”

“We are in love. You and I,” he says and kisses me tenderly.

“No, Seb. We aren’t. And don’t do that. He will have an even bigger shit-fit if he comes in here and we are kissing.”

“No, he won’t. He knows about us,” Sebastian says, perplexed. “He knows how we feel about each other. He lets us be together because you know my secret and take care of me.”

Now that is just weird. We were just talking about this in the past.

“What about Jess? Doesn’t she take care of you?”

He looks at me quizzically. “No, Livvie. You know I spell her not to bite me.”

“What? How…how does she accept that?”

“She has no choice, besides, she gets the affection from her sire. She doesn’t need it from me.”

Wow, cold. I don’t know what I would feel if I couldn’t bite my husband. Whoever that might be, seems it could be any number of people at this rate. “Her sire?” I have to ask after last time.

“Devon,” he says, confused. “Livvie, are you sure you are okay?”

Phew, I breathe out. At least that is right. He kisses me again and this time my evil side flares up and I let him. This CK knows about us and lets us be together? Well, my CK is about to get a shock when he comes looking for me, and he will.

“Oh, Liv,” Sebastian breathes. “I want you.” He stands with me in his arms and kisses me passionately.

“Take me,” I whisper with a seductive smile and he doesn’t need asking twice, pausing only momentarily to frown at my outfit, which he has only just noticed. Pushing his hands up my thighs, he lightly touches me, and I shiver. I don’t know if it is a sibling thing or a Faerie thing, but his touch is incredible. The slightest graze of his fingertips sets me on fire.

“Oh, yes,” he murmurs. “So wet for me.”

I feel the tingle go up the back of my neck and grin wickedly as CK storms into the room to find me wrapped around Sebastian with his hands up my dress.

“Get your hands off her,” he snaps. “Aefre. What do you think you are doing?” He drags me away from his first charge, quite roughly, and I see he is pissed.

“Nothing wrong, my love,” I say. “You let us be together, remember?” I “remind” him with a sweet smile and his eyes laser into mine like two black death rays.

“Oh, do I?” he hisses. “’Bastian, please leave us.”

“Well, that just isn’t fair,” he says. “You can’t just leave me all riled up like that.”

“Go!” he roars and with a face like thunder, he takes his leave of us.