Jess and Nico leave and Cole watches jealously as I stand on the bed and advance on the hunky Ramon. Standing a bit taller than him now, I lower myself down to his neck and drink from him. I sense the jealousy coming from CK now as well, as Ramon wraps his arms around me and I smile inwardly. He is the one who insists I feed this way. I feel loads better after but could still do with more of a boost. In an ideal world, I would have a Vampire feed followed by a Dragon feed chaser. I should speak to Xane about that. I am sure he would be amenable.

“Grazie,” I murmur to him as I brush my lips lightly over his and he puckers up as Cole and CK glare at me. He leaves and I leap off the bed. Both Cole and CK look down at me and then at my bare feet.

“What?” I snap as they look curiously at me.

“You seem to have taken a preference for no shoes, my sweet.”

“Nothing wrong with that,” I say in a huff as I stalk out and they follow me closely.

Both of them sit idly, while I sit with Jess and revise my schedule for the next week.

“I am still a little upset about you not seeing me next week,” CK says as he drums his fingers on the sofa arm.

Cole, Jess, and I all turn to look at him. “I told you why,” I say.

“I know and while I understand that you need to focus, I don’t see why you can’t do that with me. I can help you.”

“This isn’t the time to discuss this,” I say with a grimace.

“What better time as you are sitting there cutting me out of your schedule?”

“I am not cutting you out. Just postponing you. And not just you,” I point out.

Cole is sitting there looking like he wants the earth to swallow him up and I smile apologetically at him. I turn back to Jess, who is looking quite uncomfortable. “Get used to it,” I mutter to her and she looks up at me, eyes wide.

“Postponing means that I will still get my two days. Does that mean I get four the following week?” CK asks, pushing the issue now to my annoyance.

“No!” I snap at him as Cole shakes his head at me. “We will discuss this at another time.”

“Tomorrow then, when we go to see Ahmed and Corinne.”

“I have other things to discuss there. More pressing issues,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Hm,” he says, clearly not caring that I am mortified he is talking about this with Cole sitting right next to him.

“Liv, my love,” Cole says, now trying to draw the conversation to something different. “You look like you could do with more blood. Shall I get you some?”

I smile gratefully at him. “Yes, please. Same as yesterday.”

He chuckles. “A bit early, isn’t it?”

“Oh, who cares? It’s five o’clock somewhere,” I say offhandedly.

“It sure is, you could even take it somewhere where it is 5 PM and drink it and come back.”

I laugh as he stands to get me my bloody wine cocktail. CK watches him with narrowed eyes as he prepares my drink and eyes widening again as Cole hands it to me, his eyes dropping to my bare feet and back up my über casual outfit.

“Red wine?” he asks, raising his eyebrow.

“I know, weird, right?” Cole says. “Liv says she has a bit of a craving for it.”

Shit! I can tell my face has gone really flushed and try to hide it behind the glass as CK’s eyebrows skyrocket and looks at me questioningly.

I shrug and ignore his hopeful look that I am in fact with child. It’s not like the alcohol will affect the child, after all, but I personally don’t see how it is possible after one ritual with him unless it is, I gulp loudly despite myself, with Lincoln.

Jess clears her throat and I bring my attention back to her. “Erm, Scott has asked me to ask you something,” she says.

“Oh, what is that?” I prompt her as she stops speaking.