Do we really have to? I want to vomit as it is thinking of that woman giving him pleasure with her stupid, perfect mouth.

“There is nothing to sort out. Except this disaster, so, shall we?” I say with a forced smile. I’ve had plenty of practice with those. He smiles back hesitantly and takes my hand. I breathe in deeply and close my eyes. I think marketplace, marketplace, marketplace.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t specific enough, as yes, we do land near the marketplace, but not when I wanted us to.

“Oh crap,” I sigh as I see myself as a sixteen-year-old girl-in-love rushing towards the bell tower, anxious to meet with my exotic, forbidden love.

I look at CK and he grimaces at me. “This is going to be hard,” he says but drags me off so we can again watch ourselves. “Everything is still going as it was,” he says suddenly as he sees himself give me a rose. “Maybe you should try again to take us back to 2013. Everything we have seen since we came back to the past has been exactly how it was.”

“I need a very clear picture of how we left. I was yelling at you and you were looking at me in that way that makes me think you want to beat the crap out of me but won’t,” I say.

“Sounds about right,” he mutters and squeezes my hand as I concentrate like I never have before on getting us back to where we are supposed to be.

I feel the movement of the jet underneath my feet as I open my eyes and steady myself. CK opens his eyes too and we look at each other and then step back from the numerous shouts. “Where the fuck did you go?” Devon yells at me.

“Devon, what are you to me?” I ask him, this time nice and calm, not letting go of CK’s hand. If he says “your husband” I am getting the hell out immediately.

“What? What do you mean?”

“What are you to me?” I repeat.

“Err, charge, lover, best friend, business partner…”

I relax a bit and focus on Cole. “And you?”

Stepping forward, even though CK is holding me back, Cole says, “Charge, lover, ex-husband…” he trails off with a weird look.

My shoulders sag. Nooooooo, I wail in my head. Ex-husband? For fuck’s sake.

“What year is this?” I ask, much to everyone’s astonishment, taking in the unusual outfits and the fact that this isn’t the G6 at all, but some kind of futuristic spaceship. “What year?” I shriek and Cole says, “2113.”

Chapter 3

CK and I look at each other. He is smug. “Are we married then?” he asks Sebastian, who is standing in the corner with Jess draped over him like ivy.

“What, you two? Yes. How could you possibly forget? It was the event of the century.”

Aw crap, I think, as CK relaxes and says to me in hushed tones, “I don’t mind losing the last hundred years. Everything is now as it should be.”

“Erm, no, CK,” I whisper back. “We are not staying here. This isn’t right. We must get back to our time. Who knows what will happen if we just stay here?”

“Oh, we are staying, Aefre,” he says, pulling his hand out of mine and stepping back. “I am not going anywhere.”

“Fine. Then you stay here, and I will go back and find my rightful place,” I hiss at him.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he scoffs, now fully confident of his actions again. “You can’t go anywhere without me, and I am not going.”

I grab his hand and he takes mine and crushes it, breaking my bones in the process. I wince, even though they heal straight away, but I am shocked, appalled, that he hurt me like that on purpose. “We aren’t going anywhere,” he says again, ignoring the bristling going on that he hurt me.

“How do you plan on stopping me?” I say now in a right temper with him. But he knows. He knows exactly how to stop me and executes a very thorough Vampire move, which h

as my husband, ex-husband, Cole on his back in a vice-like grip, hand at his throat. “You have just witnessed what I can do, Aefre. Make no mistake that time has dulled that capability. We leave, he dies. In the next place and the next place. I will keep killing him.”

“What the fuck?” Cole says, exasperated beyond belief. “I thought this was over. You won. You got her. I gave up and let you have her and now I still get shit over it?”

CK eyes flick to his. “You gave up?” he asks, loosening his grip. “You gave up? You mean to say that you didn’t want to leave her?”

“No, of course not. What is with you two? Where did you go? Wherever it was, you both need a serious looking-at.”