“Err, sorry, Corinne. I was trying to call you. Seems I inadvertently came to you instead,” I apologize as we have clearly landed in on her at home. She is dressed casually in pants and a shirt, her hair loose. Every other time I have seen her she has been dolled-up in long flowing gowns with her upswept dark hair and perfect make-up.

“It’s fine. I am just surprised. This castle is heavily warded. I am surprised you got through. Although,” she chuckles, “you are Queen, I suppose I shouldn’t be that surprised. Seems your Powers are growing, Your Majesty.”

Humph, not quick enough, clearly.

“Corinne, my love, what happened?” Ahmed strides into the room, face full of concern until he sees us. “Oh, Aefre. How nice to see you.” He bows.

“And you

, Ahmed. So sorry to barge in unannounced, it wasn’t my intention to come to you. I was trying to call Corinne to come to me.”

“Is everything all right?” he inquires.

“Yes, we just need help with Devon’s sire trials. I don’t know of anywhere to go near where we are staying.”

“Sire trials? You have chosen to allow the girl a reduced punishment?” Corinne asks.

Now how did she know it was a punishment?

“Yes,” I answer with narrowed eyes and she looks abashed.

“Sorry, the records, we know the history.”

“Oh. Well, can you please help us?”

“Of course. In fact, I will take you myself, Devon.” She acknowledges him for the first time. He looks like he would rather she had carried on ignoring him.

“No, Corinne, don’t go to any trouble, just point us in the right direction,” I say to her.

“It’s no trouble, My Queen,” she says. “Ahmed, please see that Her Majesty is comfortable in our absence.”

“Of course, my dear,” he says to her and bends down from his seven feet in height to her five to kiss her lightly on the lips. Such an unlikely couple.

“Dev.” I take his hands and he grimaces at me. “You will do great.” I pull him to me for a light kiss and then say, “When you return, I will take you to home to L.A.”

He cheers up at that and takes Corinne’s proffered hand. She Teleports them to wherever it is they are going, and I turn to the sofa to sit and wait.

“Can I get you anything?” Ahmed asks.

I shake my head, too nervous for anything. He sits next to me and the only sound is the clock ticking away on the mantelpiece. I wonder vaguely where we are. Corinne said the castle was heavily warded, which is probably why no one could find Ahmed, if he was here behind them. I suppose that does make it noteworthy that I managed to pop through them. I cheer up a bit at that. Maybe this Thirteen character should be more afraid of me than I think It is which, in my humble opinion, is zero.

“He will be fine.” Ahmed breaks the silence.

“I hope so.”

“He is stronger than he thinks. Plus, there is no way he will let you down.”

“Me? His concern should be for Jess.”

“He has no bond with her. His only concern is making you proud of him,” he states.

“Oh,” I say dumbly.

“Is there anything you want to ask me, while we wait?”

“About what?” I ask.

“Anything...” He shrugs.