“I won’t tell anyone,” he says quietly, stroking my hair.

I look up at him and smile gratefully. “Thank you. You know what they are like.”

He chuckles. “I do. There will be lots of posturing and bristling going on. Duels to the death and all that.”

I frown at him. “Oh, I thought you meant about the dream.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “That goes without saying, V.A. You know I will keep that to myself. You don’t even have to ask.”

“I love you, Linc. You are so easy to be around. I can tell you anything and you don’t judge or overreact or make demands.” I sigh. “I am glad that I can talk to you.”

“I am glad too. Everything you tell me is our secret. I love our conversations,” he says, and I smile, remembering when we first got back to L.A., we used to spend hours talking, learning about each other. I have told him things that I haven’t been able to tell anyone else and he will never tell. “You can tell me anything. If you want to talk about the dream, I will listen.”

I shake my head. “No, I don’t want to.”

“Fair enough, but if you do. And regarding the other matter, I won’t interfere but do be careful. The intensity of what I felt between you two is staggering. It is going to cause you problems with the others.”

“I don’t love him,” I state. “I am not involved with him.”

“Maybe, not yet. But he loves you and you are connected by a blood bond.”

“I am trying to break it,” I insist.

“I told you I’m not going to interfere. I just want to you to be careful. Your sire will most likely rip his head off if he ever found out just how strong your bond is.”

I relax against him again now and we sit in silence for a few moments. “It won’t work,” he says.

“What won’t work?” I ask.

“Between you and me, it won’t work.”

I sit upright and spin to face him. “You are breaking it off with me?” I ask incredulously, a wave of fury rising in me.

“What?” he asks, confused. “No, Liv. Christ no! I mean the baby thing. It won’t work. You don’t have to worry about it.”

“What?” I say, now shaking my head.

“You still haven’t put your blocks up. I am trying not to pry but your thoughts pull me in,” he says apologetically.

“Humph, sure. I bet you are having a field day digging around in my brain,” I grump as I throw my blocks up, pulling my face at him.

He chuckles. “Hardly. I told you that first day that your thoughts move at super speed. No wonder you are exhausted half the time. Seriously though, if that is something you are planning with him, be sure that you want him in the everlasting sense.”

“I do.”

He nods. “As I said, you don’t have to worry about us.”

“I’m not worried, just concerned. We had kids in the alternate universe,” I say with a slight smile.

“Yes, you also had kids with Xane and Cade as well as someone called ‘Finn.’ I didn’t get who that was. Someone you obviously haven’t met yet,” he says wryly.

“What?” I squeak in horror. “Finn? She said that? No, no, no.” I shudder. That woman is a devil.

“No, I read it off her. You know someone called Finn? Obviously, her blocks don’t work in this universe. Horrible creature. I thank god you are nothing like her.”

I chew my lip and murmur, “Hm.” I ignore his question about Finn, still wanting to keep my Dragon buddy to myself. “I worry that I will turn into her. She has been Queen for over five hundred years. What if in five hundred years I’m like that?”

“You won’t be, my love. There is no way any of us will allow you to turn into that,” he says in disgust.