I reach the bottom and find Cade who is talking to Nico and a very leggy, very beautiful, blue-eyed blonde.

“Oh, there you are,” Cade says. “I was just coming to find you. We should be getting back.”

“I know, I’m ready.” I focus on the girl. A Vampire. Nico steps forward with introductions.

“Liv, this is Serena. Serena, your Queen.”

Oh, so this is Serena. No wonder Nico wanted to work with her on this little project. She is quite the looker. I shake her hand a feel a small fizz go through my palm. I now recognize this as a bloodline link. She isn’t CK’s charge, but she is a descendant. I have probably met thousands of his descendants over the years, having only been shielded from his actual charges. I say ‘probably’ as, “So who is your sire?” and “Your sire’s sire?” are not questions we ask. If the information is offered up then grand, if not, leave well enough alone. I am dying to know who her sire is but out of this tacit arrangement, I don’t ask.

“Nice to meet you,” she murmurs and bobs her head.

“And you,” I say. “Thank you for all your work.” I hold up the pages and she smiles.

“No problem. If I can help in any way, please let me know.”

“I will do. Thank you. Cade?” I hold my hand out. He grimaces at it but takes it anyway. “Bye, Nico.”

“Bye, Liv, Cade,” he says before I Astral us back to Toronto.

Chapter 15

Landing back in the suite I let go of Cade, much to his relief. “I hope we won’t be making a habit out of travelling that way,” he grumbles.

“Only now and again,” I reassure him. “I’m going to find Lincoln. I’ll be with him until Cole gets home.”

He scowls at me. “How do you do it? Jump from bed to bed? I don’t understand it, not that I even want to try.”

“It’s hard to explain,” I shuffle slightly and uncomfortably under his scrutiny.

“Humph. Well, stay safe. Do call if you need me but only if you are fully clothed, if you please.” He leaves and I am relieved he dropped it. I care about his opinion for some reason and his disapproval is bothering me. Not enough, however, that I don’t go off in search of Lincoln. I mean, who is going to pass up a roll in the sack with his gorgeous self?

I Astral into his suite without warning and he looks up from his laptop as he senses me.


“Hi. You okay? You look a little flustered.”

“Oh, it’s Cade. He is quite the prude,” I say softly, and he laughs at me gently.

“I find it amusing that his opinion matters to you.”

“I find it disturbing,” I comment, to which he laughs harder.

“Come here. I have thought of nothing else since our telepathic dalliance earlier. I am dying to get my hands on you.”

I smile seductively and turn from him, walking into the bedroom. He follows quickly, slamming the door behind him.

“Oh, Liv. It feels like forever since I had you,” he says as he comes closer. I back away, teasing him as I strip off until I hit the bed. His eyes laser over me as he comes to stand, towering over me.

“How do you want me?” I murmur to him.

He pushes me down to my knees with a low growl and I grin wickedly. “I want to feel your hot mouth wrapped around my cock,” he says as he undoes his pants and lets them drop to the floor. He kicks them aside and takes his shirt off as I plunge my mouth to him, opening wide to get him inside me. “Fuck, yes,” he whispers as I work my way slowly up and down. “Oh, to see you kneeling in front of me with my cock in your mouth is the sexiest sight, my love,” he says to me and I quiver at his words. “I want to taste you,” he says, pulling me roughly up and flinging me into the middle of the bed. I giggle at his assertiveness as he crawls onto the bed and pushes my legs wide open. He dips his head and licks me and sucks on me until I am thudding against his mouth. He whimpers as he pushes his fingers inside me, feeling me clenching around him. He shuffles up to his knees and brings my legs up straight into the air. He grabs my ankles and opens them again, so I am practically doing splits in the air before he pushes himself inside me. Slowly. Oh fuck, that feels good.

“Oh, Linc, baby,” I moan. “More, I want more of you inside me.”

He obliges me to my delight and shoves himself deep inside me before he starts to rock his hips back and forth. “How does that feel?” he asks me.

“Oh, gods, it feels amazing. You are amazing. Faster, baby. I want you to make me come.”