Please don’t crap on it? That is an amusing phrase coming out of his mouth.

“Constantine,” I start.

“Don’t call me that,” he sulks. “You only call me that when you are mad or upset.”

“I am mad. And upset.”

“Don’t be, please, my love. This is an honest gesture and you are ruining it.”

Wow, the man can pout.

“You are being petulant. Stop it,” I order him.

“No,” he says. “I won’t have you overreacting about this.” He stamps his foot with his hands on his hips and I stare at him. Is he actually about to throw a tantrum right now? Because if he is, I want a front row seat, with popcorn and extra-large Diet Coke.

I bite my lower lip to stop myself from laughing at him and he glares at me. “You find this amusing?”

“What I find amusing, is that a two thousand, seven hundred and sixty-year-old Vampire is about to throw his toys out of his crib,” I say before I bend over laughing, forgetting about the turban towel on my head and it flops down onto the floor at my feet, which makes me laugh even harder as my wet hair tumbles into my face.


nbsp; He leaves me to laugh at him as he stands there crossing his arms and trying to look nonchalant, which of course sets me off even more. “I love you,” I snort at him. “I am sorry for crapping on your moment.”

“Our moment,” he says with a sniff as I continue to snicker. “You shouldn’t be so suspicious of my motives, Aefre. We have seen the future. We know that we are going to be together. That is enough for me. It is enough for me to have seen us together and how we will be with each other. If I try and tear you away from Cole before you are ready, you will never be fully mine. You will always be in love with him and wonder about what could have been had nature taken its course. You think that I want you that way?”

He has been speaking really quietly and my laughter has died down to stone cold silence.

“I’m sorry,” I say again, crossing to him, tripping on the cursed towel at my feet in the process. I fall into his arms as he steps forward to catch me. “I am paranoid at the moment. This Thirteen thing has me rattled,” I say just as quietly. “I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.”

“No, you shouldn’t have, but I can see why you would. It doesn’t help that your husband is putting ideas in your head,” he scowls at me.

“That isn’t what he does. We talk. About everything. I know you don’t want to hear that, but I make the point, so you won’t blame him.”

“I don’t want you to tell him about this,” he says seriously. “This is ours to know.”

And Sebastian, I think absently. But his words have reassured me.

“I won’t. I want it to be just ours as well.”

He takes my face in his hands and kisses me. “I like having secrets with you,” he says with a cheeky glint in his eye.

“Mm, especially as our secrets are so delicious,” I say, taking a nibble on his bottom lip that makes him sigh, “I love you.” He closes his eyes as I pull away and turn to get dressed. “You need to feed.”

“Oh, I already have done that,” I say. “I ran into Ramon downstairs.”

“Oh. You fed on your own?” He doesn’t look very pleased.

“I am a big girl, Constantine, I am quite capable of feeding by myself. Oh, and revise his job description, will you?” I say in annoyance. “Besides which, Jess is on top of it,” I add. “She has set me twice daily reminders.”

He smiles then. “Good. Maybe it will go some way to getting you into the habit.”

“Are you coming back with me now?” I ask him.

“No, I am going to file this with the lawyers here first. You go and I will see you later.”

I nod and he kisses me again. “I love you.”

I leave the bedroom, our bedroom, and walk over to the alcove. He follows me curiously but then stops when he sees me retrieve my phone and the pages that I abandoned. I feel him watching me as I walk down the stairs and I feel the pang of his hurt as he watches me leave.