“I’m going to come baby. I can’t help myself. You turn me on so much.”
“Oh, baby,” he breathes, “I want to feel you.”
I come then and I try desperately not to make a sound out loud as CK would be pissed if he knew what I was doing on his time, but in my head, I am moaning with pleasure. “Oh, yes, baby.”
; “Oh, fuck,” he says again. He grunts softly as he comes too. “Oh, Liv. The things you do to me. I love you.”
“I want to…” I hesitate, thinking of what CK said about not biting during sex.
He chuckles. “You can say it seeing as I already know what you are thinking.”
I pull my face. “All right, smart arse. Can I bite you next time?”
“Yes,” he says instantly. “I have wanted you to since the first time.”
“Oh. Why didn’t you ask?”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I wasn’t sure of your perspective on it. But I want you, in every way.”
“I want you to take me in every way. I tried to clue you in, in New York, when I bit you,” he reprimands.
“Oh, Linc, you know how I am. I need things spelled out for me.”
“Yes, you can be a bit of a ditz,” he snorts.
“Hey!” I snap at him and I feel the frown on my face.
“I’m only kidding. You are the smartest, most beautiful, sexiest woman on the planet,” he appeases me smugly.
“Humph,” I say, but good-naturedly.
“I am getting turned on again by that thought. You probably should go now.”
“Okay, baby. I will come and find you as soon as I can. I love you, Lincoln,” I say and shut down communications abruptly.
“Want to tell me what that was about?” I ask out loud as I sense CK’s presence.
“You shouldn’t have gone up there,” he says, coming to sit on the opposite side of the alcove, his toes touching mine in a familiar gesture.
“A great leader has no fears,” I state to him, still looking out of the window. “I wanted to conquer mine, and what better place to do it than my own home?”
His eyes snap to mine at my words “my own home” and he says, “Oh, my love. Is that what you were doing?”
I look at him then. “Yes. It is the only reason I went up there.”
“But why that one?”
“It was the closest one to where I was standing when I made the decision,” I say, shaking my head. “What is the problem?”
He looks at me warily and then closes his features down completely as I glare at him.
Liv. He called me Liv in there and went all desperate on me. The thought is forming in my head and I shake it to get rid of it. No. No. It can’t be. Can it?
“That’s where you kept them, isn’t it? The substitutes?” I ask in disdain.