Leaving him to his brooding over, whatever, I head back upstairs. Time to take a shower and head back to Toronto. I hate this time difference crap. It is so confusing. My phone starts to go berserk with notifications, and I stop on the second-floor corridor, pausing at the alcove just outside of CK’s bedroom door. Jess. Seems she is taking this job seriously, which is good news. I have reminders, emails, messages, and the such all popping up for my attention. I chuckle as she has added twice a day on my reminders: “Feed, The Vampire Way!” Trying to get on a certain ancient Vampire’s good side, no doubt. Well, I can happily tick off this morning’s and as I do so I sit in the alcove.

I quickly send a message to my boys telling them I am fine and will be home shortly but decide to try something new with Lincoln. I reach out to him, having no idea if I can over such a long distance. I call him in my head, “Linc?”

“Liv?” comes his reply. “Christ, woman, you scared the crap out of me! Ever heard of a phone?”

“I wanted to do it this way.”

“I am glad you did,” he says, and I sense his smile.

“I will be home soon.”

“Good. And its Thursday.”

“Yes, it is.”

“I don’t expect you to spend the whole day and night with me, under the circumstances,” he says in my head softly.

“Oh, Linc. Have I told you how special you are?”

“Once. Maybe twice. You can say it again if you like.” He chuckles.

“You are so special to me.”

“A guy could get used to hearing that. Erm, are you alone?” he inquires.

“Yes, for now. Why?”

“I am getting very turned on by having a discussion with you this way and I am thinking about all the things I can do to you later.”

My heart skips a beat. “Oh, my. Now I am getting turned on, too.”

“Are you wet?” he whispers.

“Very,” I murmur.

“I wish I could feel you,” he says in my head and sighs.

“I can’t wait to feel your hands on me. I want my hands on you. I want to feel you rippling underneath me.”

“Uh…” he mutters desperately.

Enjoying this sexy Shifter-telepathy sex, I carry on knowing how much he loves me to talk to him. “I want to feel you tearing me open as you enter me. Oh, Linc, do you know how much I love the way that makes me feel?”

He whimpers, actually Wolf whimpers, at me in my head and I grin wickedly to myself and continue, “Do you know how much I love it when you push yourself deep inside me?” I am getting highly aroused by this and decide to try something new again. I slip my fingers down inside my robe and rub them over my clit.

I moan in delight in my head and he says, “Are you touching yourself?”

“Yes, baby. I am imagining that it is you bringing me this pleasure.”

“Oh, fuck, Liv,” he moans. “We should stop this.”

“Oh no, baby. Don’t stop,” I say, rubbing small circles over myself.

He groans. “I need you.”

“Take your hand, imagine it is mine bringing you pleasure,” I murmur.

“Oh, fuck,” he whispers. “Oh, fuck.”