“It’s my job,” he says with a smile.

“Yes, it is. And one you are very good at. Did you sign that contract?” I ask, changing the subject abruptly.

He laughs loudly and snorts derisively. “Did you read it? It’s quite insulting.”

“No, I have to say that I didn’t. How so?”

“Oh, the usual malarkey with your sire. He is a very jealous and overprotective man.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” I grump. “What specifically?”

“He wants me to report to Nico any, and I quote,” he holds his finger up, “‘suspicious, secretive, sexual, abusive, threatening, harmful and/or self-destructive behavior’,”

My mouth drops open in shock. But then I close it again in a grimace as I remember I shouldn’t have been expecting anything less. Self-destructive indeed. Jerk.

“You won’t agree to that?”

“No. I work for you. Plain and simple. I won’t be forced into an alliance without prior consent. And I don’t consent.”

“Admirable, Mr. Sinclair. I definitely made the right decision,” I murmur, thoroughly impressed with his loyalty.

“Glad you approve,” he mutters back to me. “Let’s just get this clear. I work for you. So, get the guard dogs to stand down, okay?”

“Oh, have no doubt that I will. If you are happy to leave this as a verbal agreement, I have no qualms with that, otherwise I shall get another contract drawn up for you.”

“Look, I think that I have proven myself to you. I don’t need it in writing and I certainly don’t need restrictions on me that may make me fail to do my job properly. I know what you want from me and you know what I will do to protect you.”

“Agreed,” I say and shake his hand with a smile.

I feel the familiar tingle go up the back of my neck and pull my hand out of Cade’s.

“Aefre?” CK says from the doorway. He looks horrified and in total shock. “Liv. Get out of here.”

“What?” I ask, perplexed by his attitude.

“Liv! Get out. Liv! Go now!” he snarls at me.

“Constantine,” I snarl back at him. “What is the problem?”

“Cade, get your employer out of here right now,” he says quietly, deathly quiet, and now I am worried. Is he concerned because I am here in a tower room or here in this tower room?

I don’t get much chance to ponder as Cade, sensing the threat, grabs my elbow and ushers me swiftly from the room, but not before I grab the papers on the research as I am not done with those yet.

“What the fuck?” I pull my arm from him as he drags me down the stairs.

“I have no idea, but I wasn’t sticking around for either of us to find out. Not then,” he says. “You can go and speak to him when he has lost his…” he waves his hand about, “… ancient Vampire menace.”

What the hell was all that about? I think to myself as Cade lets go of me once we are back in the main hallway. He called me Liv. I don’t expect that from him now. Certainly, not to my face.

“That was weird,” I voice out loud and Cade just nods.

“All of you are just weird. Anyway, I need to go eat. I’m starving. You will be okay?”

“Yes, fine. Go. I will catch up with you later,” I say absently.

“Holler if you need me,” he calls back over his shoulder, hastily making his way towards the kitchens.

I, on the other hand, look back towards the tower and wait for CK. I wait for about ten minutes and nothing. What the hell is his problem?