“Well, sixth sense and an open door.” He points downwards.

“Hm,” I say, still somewhat dazed by the info in my hands.

“Want to talk it over?” he asks, indicating the pages and sits next to me on the window seat.

“Christ. What is there to say? My mother is a badass and now this thing is gunning for me in revenge.”

“Seems that way.”

“Definitely that way. If it hasn’t bothered anyone else in the last three thousand years it seems to me it’s pretty pissed, but there are still questions this doesn’t answer.”

“I know. There are definite blanks that need filling in. Perhaps going to see your mother about it could help you?” he ventures.

I stare at him. “Maybe. She gets annoyed with me when I act like I don’t know what I am doing.” I shrug as he laughs at me.

“Well, we can figure this out. Together,” he says. “Do you miss home?” he adds suddenly changing the subject.

“Where is home?” I shrug. “England? Yes, I do. Sadly, there are too many memories.”

“I would imagine that there are. I would like to hear more about your story…you know…when you have the time.”

“You want to know about me? Bless you. I am more intrigued about you.”

“You already know the highlights,” he says with a half-smile. “You, on the other hand, have centuries worth of stories.”

“That I do. Maybe one day we can sit with a tub of ice cream, two spoons, and chat,” I say with a sassy wink and he laughs out loud.

“I do like you, Mrs. O’Dell. You are surprising and funny. I am glad that we have this arrangement.”

“I still want to know why you really chose my side over theirs.”

“I told you before, I know when to pick a side. You truly don’t believe, or maybe you don’t want to believe, how powerful you are. Or, as your friend said, will be, once you accept it.”

“Well, if I am to take on this thing,” I hold up the papers, “I had better get my shit sorted.”

“I will help you,” he declares. “I would like to suggest that you take a regular time every day to train. Keep your senses honed.”

> “I know how to fight, Cade,” I scoff at him.

“No doubt, but it isn’t about the fight, it’s about the…”

“Discipline,” I interrupt him, thinking of Jess.


“So, you will take me on?” I ask him.

“Err, maybe not. Although, I would also suggest a different sparring partner than a Vampire.”

“Oh? Why is that?” I ask, genuinely bewildered.

“You will know each other’s moves off the bat and more than likely be equal in tactics if not strength. Or at least any of yours that will be willing to take you on.”

I ponder that. I guess he is right. “So, who then?”

“Lincoln is very skilled in swordsmanship and I am pretty sure that Xane wouldn’t go down without a fight. A very, very, full–on-no-holds-barred-even-if-it-is-you fight.”

“Yes, I see that you have been keenly observing.”