“CK, let her go. It isn’t her fault,” I say, coming to her defense much to her relief. “She isn’t her sister. What’s done is done and they are both dead now anyway.” I cross to him and take his arm, pulling him away from her. “There’s nothing to be done now.”

He glowers at her then me. “I will find a way to avenge you, my sweet. If I must go to the Spirit Realm myself to destroy them both again, I will do it.”

Vivienne is looking quite distressed now, so I smile at her reassuringly and say, “Perhaps it would be best to go now. I am glad we got a chance to speak.”

“So am I. I hope we can talk again soon. We have a lot in common, you and I.”

“Indeed,” I mutter. “However, know this, my sire will no longer be giving you your kicks. He is off the market in that respect.”

“And every other respect,” he adds to my utmost delight. Could I love him any more right now? No, I don’t think so.

“Noted,” she murmurs and pops back out of existence.


p; “Oh, Aefre.” He turns to me with that look and I sigh.

“Don’t. There has been enough drama for tonight. I am sick of it. Please, can we just have a few moments without a big heart-to-heart or a throwdown?”

He smiles his made-for-me smile. “Of course. Anything you ask. And as much as I would like to pick up where we left off,” he points outside to the growing dawn, “you should get some sleep.”

“No, I don’t want to.” I shake my head.

“I will watch you, my love. I will not leave your side. I promise you, you will be safe.”

I reluctantly let him lead me back to my bedroom and he tucks me up in bed. “Sleep now, my love. I will keep you from harm,” he whispers to me and I drop off soon after, because who am I kidding? I’m exhausted and can’t keep my eyes open.

Chapter 12

I wiggle in my dreamless sleep, I assume, sometime later as the sunlight is streaming into the bedroom now. I don’t want to open my eyes as I can’t tell if this is real or a dream. If it’s a dream, I don’t want to wake but if it’s real I want in. I chance a glance down and yes, my eyes are open and yes, my sire is licking me, thrusting his tongue into me. Oh, my.

“Isn’t this taking advantage?” I murmur, pushing my hands into his hair to keep him close anyway.

He chuckles and pulls away slightly. “Maybe, but oh, Christ, you are so beautiful, I couldn’t wait any longer.”

“Good thing I love you or I would have to kick your arse for being presumptuous.”

“I thank the old gods every day that you love me,” he says, and he resumes his task of bringing me pleasure with his perfect, perfect tongue.

There is a knock at the door, as I moan, “Yes!” and the door opens, much to my horror.

I wasn’t bidding you entrance, you moron!

CK looks up from his ministrations and asks, “May we help you?” in that deliciously dismissive tone that I adore him for.

“Oh, Jesus Christ,” Cade snaps. “Why ask me to come in when you are like that?” He holds his papers up in front of his face to hide the naked sex scene in front of him.

“You weren’t bid,” I snap.

“I heard you say yes…oh, shit.” He ruffles the papers closer to his face, so he doesn’t have to see any more than he has to.

CK snickers. “I like him. You can keep him.”

“Glad you approve,” I mutter as I push him away, smiling inside as he knows fair few men wouldn’t not be looking at us. Well, me. Ahem…

I grab my discarded robe and throw it on, tying it tight and then throwing the covers over CK to his amusement.

“I assume you are still standing there because it is important?” I bark at him and he peeks out from behind his cover. Relieved to see us both covered up he lowers the pages and shoves them at me.