Gee, thanks for the reminder there. “And you want me to add to it?”

“My only concern is for Sebastian,” he says shortly.

“Clearly, as you don’t seem to have a problem with pimping me out to take care of him,” I sneer at him, now quite put out that he has basically just tried to guilt me into complying with his request.

His pained expression returns. “I don’t mean it to come across that way. I love you, Aefre, but you are the only one who can help him. I have to put my own feelings aside about this.”

“What about my feelings? Have you not even bothered with those?”

“Of course, I have. I know you want him. I can see the way you look at him.”

What? Is he seriously trying to turn this back around on me now?

Of course, he is. It’s his biggest talent. Well, that and making me orgasm intensely without even having to try. Speaking of, I am getting pissed off with this conversation now, so I make a declaration that will draw it to a close swiftly, so the fucking can commence.

“This is something so completely out there, I am struggling to get my head around it. However, I have heard everything you have said to me. I am in no position to comply with your request but when I am free to do so, we will revisit. End of story. I want to hear no more about this.”

“Done,” he says straight away.

Err, that was easy. Too easy. Why go through all of this drama for such an easy roll over?

“It will give him hope,” he says quietly.

Oh. Now I really feel like crap. “Can we fuck now?” I ask him, desperate to change the subject.

He chuckles, humor restored, “Oh yes, my sweet. We can definitely fuck now.” I throw myself at him before he has stopped speaking and kiss him with exuberance forgetting all about whatever it was, we were talking about.

Chapter 11

Things got very naked and very sweaty soon after I launched myself at my sire and after my third orgasm (see, he doesn’t have to try very hard at all), I straddle him and pull him up, wrapping my legs around him. He drops his fangs and feeds from me extra slowly, I think to make his point even clearer about how much I love this and would die without it. He pulls on my hips to get me to move over him again, when we are rudely interrupted by an unexpected and very unwelcome visitor.

“Oops, so sorry to interrupt,” her stupid tinkly voice says as she pops in from nowhere.

I glare at her from the middle of the very rumpled bed, where I am still fucking my sire.

“What the fuck do you want? And hello? Heard of knocking, or texting, even?”

She bats her eyelashes at me, well, no, probably not at me, probably at CK. His head is that close to mine, it’s hard to tell who she is looking at. “Can I have a word?” she asks.

“What do you want, Vivienne? We are kind of busy here in case you hadn’t noticed,” he snaps at her but with an undertone of caution.

“I lost something,” she says and holds up her right arm. “I desperately need it back.”

He sighs that world-weary sigh I often get and looks at me apologetically. “Fine, I will help you look.” He loosens his grip on me.

Uh-uh. Does he really think I am going to let him swan off naked with this woman to look for missing objects, that she obviously misplaced while they were going at it? Oh! He brought her here? I glare at him with something close to loathing. Well, the “I still love you” kind of loathing, and he has the grace to look ashamed as he realizes I know.

“I will take you,” I say to her, climbing off my sire and making a big show of throwing the covers over his naked self. I magick myself a robe and add, “This is, after all, my home as well.” I quickly look back at CK and he is pleased, but not that I have taken ownership under these circumstances.

“Wait here,” I snap at him. He has the good sense to obey me. Obey me? Christ, that’s a first.

I grab Vivienne by the arm and lead her out into the hallway. She is staring at me in awe and something else.

“What?” I ask her.

“You…he…you get away with talking to him like that?” she asks, amazed.

Oh, when will people learn?