
He doesn’t flinch when he ends up on the receiving end of one of Constantine’s most ominous stares.


“Not here as in not in this house,” Constantine finally says.

Cade nods and leaves it at that, but Devon asks, “Where is she then? I can’t sense her.”

“Neither can I,” Sebastian says and that interests Cade. He didn’t know siblings could sense each other or is it some Faerie thing that he is out of the loop about. Probably.

Constantine doesn’t look happy to hear that, but before he can say anything Devon asks, “Has she gone to her father’s?”

“No,” Constantine says. “I can’t say for sure, but I know my wife. She has retreated to where no one can follow her. Or at least none of us,” he mutters the last sentence.

“And?” Devon presses, getting pissed off.

“Further into Hell,” Constantine says. “It is my belief she is at the Castle.”

“What castle?” Cade asks.

“The Castle,” Constantine says, as if that is supposed to mean something to him.

“So Xane can still get to her,” Devon states.

“Yes,” Constantine replies shortly.

Cade looks between the two who are in the know about this Castle. At least Sebastian looks as confused as he does.

“If he touches her…” Sebastian growls and doesn’t get to finish his sentence because Constantine whirls around to face his first charge with his fists clenched.

“No longer a King,” he snarls at him before he holds his hand out flat and Sebastian buckles.

Whoa, mama. What the fuck is that?

“You will bend,” Constantine says and Cade backs away.

Devon on the other hand steps forward to diffuse this potentially disastrous situation. “Let him go. Now isn’t the time for petty fights.”

Cade sees the effort it takes for Constantine to release his hold on Sebastian, but he does and with a death stare, Sebastian puffs out of the room. Cade kind of wishes he could do that because his only way out is blocked by an angry, ancient Vampire.

“He has no right,” Constantine says. “No right to say things like that.”

The room goes silent, as what can anyone say?

Cade suddenly feels Constantine’s eyes on him, boring a massive, burning hole right through his chest. “You!” he exclaims.

That one word says it all. He knows.

Cade has no idea what to say to the man who can kill him in an instant, probably without even having to touch him after that little display of raw power. When Devon comes to his defense, he tries to mask his surprise.

“He’s drinking human blood now,” he says. “Has been for a few days now.”

Cade watches as Constantine turns his gaze to his sibling. “Oh really?” he says. “And what pray tell changed his mind?”

“His sire,” Devon says, and Cade nearly freaks out when Constantine’s eyes turn red.

Holy motherfucker. He is a dead man.