“I can’t, Lincoln. It’s over. So much has happened in the last few days, weeks, months, whatever. Everything is so much more complicated now. I am no good for you. You need to be with someone who can look after you properly,” she says.

“You do,” he says mournfully.

“I don’t. I’m not one of you,” she says, and it hurts him to hear her say that.

“You are,” he insists. He knows he is losing her, and he can’t, he won’t.

“No, Linc. I am a Vampire-Demon-Faerie-Dragon that can Shift. That’s it,” she says.

“I chose you,” he says.

“And I am choosing to let you go. For your own good and the good of the Pack,” she replies.

“No!” he shouts, losing his temper. He is getting nowhere with her with her sire standing right next to her. “I need to talk to you on your own. Please, Liv. You owe me that.”

She starts to falter, but Constantine catches her eyes and her face hardens again. “It’s over, Lincoln. Please go now,” she says.

“Liv, please,” he begs her now, but she shakes her head.

“I can’t do this,” she suddenly cries and Astrals out of the library.

He tries to reach her with their Telepathic connection, but she has shut him out completely. He doesn’t know where she went.

“Please go and find her,” he says to Constantine who is now glaring at him in open hatred.

“No,” he says. “She has made herself perfectly clear.”

“Look, I know you hate me,” Lincoln snaps at him. “I know you blame me for all those months you lost with her, but I am asking you to please find her and let me talk to her alone.” It’s fruitless, but he must try.

“No,” Constantine says again and Lincoln advances on him before he thinks better about it.

“You don’t know where she is, do you?” he asks slyly, having cottoned on.

Constantine narrows his eyes but doesn’t say anything.

“So where does that mean she has gone? To her father’s?” he asks.

“Unlikely,” Constantine says after a few moments. “More likely further into Hell. She has had a traumatic few days, not the least of which has just happened in the last hour or so.”

Lincoln nods. He will leave her be then and come back to her tomorrow. He turns to leave when Constantine stops him with a hand on his arm.

“Don’t come back. She doesn’t want to see you. It’s over between you two,” he says.

“I will be back to reclaim her, you can count on that,” Lincoln says and pulls his arm out of Constantine’s grip.

“No, you won’t. I won’t allow it,” a voice from the library door says and they both turn to look at the speaker.


“You can’t stop me,” Lincoln sneers. “You are nothing to her but a way to please her father.”

“Oh yes, I can,” Sebastian says, ignoring the barb. “She is my wife and she will soon bear my child, if she isn’t pregnant already,” Sebastian says.

“With my child,” Constantine growls at him and they glower at each other while Lincoln just stands there at a loss.

Liv was right. So much has happened in the last day or so since she left him. It seems she has married Sebastian and is possibly pregnant with his or her sire’s child. His heart sinks as he knows he is fighting a losing battle, but he has keep fighting because to be without her…well he might as well be dead.

Sebastian looks back at him and crosses his arms. “She was destined to be mine eons ago. Before she was even born.” He looks to Constantine and adds, “Before she was turned. You are nothing in the bigger picture. Without you, she would still have been mine.”