Well, if I ever thought that Devon was going to attack my sire in the past, I know for certain he is about to launch himself at him now. I step in front of CK, just as Devon crashes into me, sending us both tumbling to the floor.

“What the fuck?” I say, pushing him off me. He looks at me apologetically before helping me stand, to the snickering of the peanut gallery, front and foremost being CK who, despite his laughter, looks at me and shakes his head. “I think I can defend myself against your boy, my sweet,” he says in between snorts. “But thank you all the same. It warms my heart.”

“No problem,” I say smartly, brushing off my clothes and trying to regain some sense of dignity.

“Sorry, Lizzie,” Devon. “Sometimes I just get the urge to hit him.”

“Don’t we all?” I say dryly, to which CK stops laughing to glare at me and Sebastian takes over with a loud guffaw, which resonates around the library.

“Indeed,” CK says haughtily.

“I don’t have a bond to her, so how would I know anything of what she is feeling,” Devon grouses, thoroughly pissed off.

“I think CK is trying to get up your nose,” I say, giving my sire a baleful glare. He might find all of this amusing, but I certainly don’t. It sucks. No pun intended.

“Well, now that everyone is up to speed, you all may leave. Go and think about ways to help your Queen. And you,” he points to Xane, “go and see if you can find out where the real sword is hidden.”

“I don’t take orders from you,” Xane snarls at him.

CK just looks at him in that mildly infuriating way of his and says, “Don’t then. But don’t come crying to me when Liv ends up dead because you didn’t help her.”

“Constantine!” I say in automatic response to him calling me Liv, “That’s not a very nice thing to say.”

“Just making a point, my dear,” he says, still in the same tone.

Xane just glares at him but nods.

“See?” CK says to me.

“Liv,” Cole pulls me to the side and hugs me. “Will you be okay? What if this thing comes back in your dreams later? I can’t lose you.”

“You won’t lose me. I know Its game now. I will be careful. I promise,” I whisper to him and he gives me a very thorough, lingering kiss, which sets CK’s blood boiling.

Devon and Lincoln, also in need of some reassurance, give me a quick cuddle each and between Sebastian and Xane they ship everyone back to Canada.

“Alone again,” CK says to me, pulling me in for a kiss to erase Cole’s lips from mine. Jerk.

“Ahem,” Cade clears his throat. “Not quite. Can you wait for me to leave before you go at it?”

I pull away from CK and say, “Can you see what you can dig up on this Thirteen business? We have access to every lore, there must be something in the Regency databases or the old Council records archives.” Most of our systems have been updated since I came to Power, but there are still thousands of files sitting in the old Council HQ in Milan.

“Serena will be able to help,” Nico says suddenly. He has been so quiet and unassuming; I had forgotten he was even there.

“Who is Serena?” I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

“She was the records archivist at The Council. Very clever and knowledgeable. If anyone can help, she can,” Nico says.

Oh. Yawn.

“Come now, my love. Our time together is running short.” CK grabs my hand and without another word Teleports us back to his bedroom.

“Erm, I want to go to my bedroom,” I tell him hesitantly.


I shrug. “I like it there.”

“Oh, well I can understand that, after all, it is yours. However, I was hoping that you would think of this room as yours as well. Ours.”