And for my sins, I let him.

I just lie there and don’t participate, even though my sire side wants to push him over and ride him like the wind. He finishes quickly, his face scrunching up and the second he is done, he pulls out of me and puts himself away.

A quick look at him confirms that this intimate act, however forced it was, has given him a boost. His color looks better, and he looks steadier on his feet. He dismisses me completely and walks off to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. I pull my robe back together and sit up, needing to get myself into the shower before I come across anyone. I don’t even want to think about what will happen if anyone finds out about this. I Astral myself straight to my bathroom and discover that I am not alone.

Chapter 14

The Underworld, March 2104 - Liv

Devon stares at me from the doorway. He is leaning against the frame with his arms crossed and I turn from him, still not ready to forgive. He pushes off and stalks towards me. I hastily back off, as he cannot get within sniffing range of me. Too late, though, as he breathes in deeply and his blue eyes go like ice.

“So, you finally got him between your legs,” he taunts me. “Was it everything you wanted it to be? Did you cream all over his cock as you screamed his name?”

“Fuck you,” I spit out at him. “You don’t get to comment on anything. Get out.”

He grabs my arms tightly. “Maybe not, but I am sure you husbands will have something to say,” he says nastily.

“I will cut your tongue out if you say anything,” I threaten him as I pull my arms out of his grip.

He pales at the threat, but it doesn’t stop him. “My charge has fucked him as well. I wonder if he compared the two of you?”

My mouth drops open. Jess and Cade? When? How? Yuck!

“Is that what you did?” I ask him just as nastily. “Did you compare her and me?”

His stiffens, shocked that I would ask him that, but it is me who gets a shock when he answers, “Yes.”

I bring my fist back and punch him in the face. He goes flying into the tile behind him and slides down, looking a bit dazed. I stand over him fuming and he shakes his head to clear it.

“She was better than you,” he mocks me. “She made me feel things I could only dream about.”

It takes me a moment to understand what he has just said.

Then, I cannot believe he just said that! I hold my hand out and fire off some Faerie magick at him, which leaves him fried.

“Say that again?” I ask him quietly.

He stands up on shaky legs and looks me dead in the eye. “So much better,” he says. “I craved her touch, her kiss…”

“You bastard!” I hiss at him and blast him with some lightning. He spasms furiously and drops in a heap at my feet. I reach out for him, dragging him to his feet so I can hit him in his handsome face again.

And again.

I beat him to a bloody pulp while the tears of rage and frustration and hurt stream down my face. He doesn’t fight me back; he just takes it and eventually I stop hitting him. He is bloody and bruised and scorched from my assault on him, but he smiles at me as I stare at him, panting.

“Feel better?” he asks around his swollen and split lip.

“What?” I ask him, a bit dazed and scared of myself for doing this to him.

“You wouldn’t speak to me. I had to do something to get you to take out your anger on me,” he says.

It doesn’t surprise me. It is a very Devon thing to do. He hates sitting around, always wanting action. It must have been killing him to have me ignore him like I have been doing.

I stand up and brush off my robe, pulling the belt tighter around me while I think of a response.

“Before you say anything, it was all a lie,” he says quietly. “I hate her. I am disgusted with myself; I feel dirty and cheap for even looking at her. I know have pissed on everything that was between us. Especially after what I asked you. I couldn’t help myself.”

“Why?” I ask desperately before I can stop myself. “Why did you do it?” I wring my messed-up hands as I wait for his answer.