Pansy-ass? I have never been called that in all my life and I fire off a shot at him, which he deflects, but it gives him something to think about.

“Better,” he says, and puts his hands down. “Now try transporting yourself.”

I close my eyes and off I go to the other side of the room via the Faerie mode of relocation. I clap my hands with glee, but then frown. “But it still only worked because I was mad,” I say.

“Are you mad now?” he asks.

I shake my head. “No, why?”

He points to my hands that are on my hips and they are alight with electricity, sparks flicking quickly, and they grow in intensity as I lift my hands up. I can’t resist the whoop of delight as I fire off a round of bolts at Drake and that has him laughing at my happiness. He holds his hand up and one of my bolts hits his palm and then boomerangs back to me and hits me square in the stomach.

I bend over double, catching my breath, and Drake is at my side instantly, cupping my elbow, with concern etched on his face. “Sit,” he says and pulls out a chair.

“I’m fine,” I say as I stand up straight. “But thanks for thinking my own magick was powerful enough to hurt me.”

“No, it’s not that,” he says and pushes me gently down. “We shouldn’t have been messing about.”

I look at him to explain and he looks away.

He clears his throat and says, “I assume you and Kalen, err, attended to business?”

What? My cheeks flame at the question and I, too, look away, but I get now why he is so concerned. There is a very strong possibility that I am with Fae child now that the union has been performed and Sebastian and I have consummated it. I can only hope it takes a bit longer, so that my husbands, my real husbands, get used to the idea.

“I’m okay,” I reassure him.

He nods and then sits down himself. “Now that you have overcome your power block, what is the next question?”

I think about that. Have I overcome it? Was I trying too hard?

“My next question is: What did I agree to?” I ask him candidly.

“With regards to what?” he asks, cautiously.

“My union with Kalen, of course,” I snap at him. “I don’t speak Faerie and I don’t know what I got roped into.”

He laughs at me again. It is really annoying. “Oh, Aeval. You worry too much. It was a basic ceremony. We had to be quick about it.”

“That doesn’t answer my question,” I press, concerned.

“You were joined with him and you are now his wife,” he says.

“Anything else? Is he now my one and only? Am I a slave to his master?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Aeval. What kind of society do you think we run here?” he scoffs at me.

Beats me if I know. Well, doesn’t look like I am going to get much more out of him on this, so moving on. “Very well, seeing as I don’t speak a word of your language, I want you to assign someone to teach me. We have already talked about this, but nothing has been done about it yet,” I say.

“Why can’t your new husband teach you?” he asks slyly.

I think that through. I don’t think Sebastian strikes me as a very good teacher, his temper is too quick, and even though I am a quick study, I don’t think it would work. Not to mention the distractions…

“Perhaps someone with more experience in this area?” I suggest.

“Galoch, then. He teaches the young Fae English,” Drake declares.

I blink as that sinks in. Of course, they bloody speak English. We are speaking in English right now, but it just never occurred to me that it was classified as a “second language.”

“Great!” I exclaim and then decide it really is time to head home. I stand up and he holds his hands out for me. “One more thing,” I say and then frown as I turn to the door. I can sense my new husband hovering on the other side. Seems we have had a bit of an upgrade in that department, and it is not to my liking, as it also means he can sense me. CK will go nuts.