Blushes? “Then what?” I ask.

“I need to, uhm, finish inside you,” he stammers, and I snort in amusement that he finds it so hard to say.

“Just like me and Xane,” I say and then seriously wish I had my tongue removed because I experience a backlash of power far beyond anything, I have felt from him before.

“Repeat that,” he spits out at me as he advances on me.

I stand up, not taking this jealous crap from him. “You heard me,” I say defiantly.

“You let that Demon spawn fuck you?” he says as he grips the top of my arms so tightly, I think he’s going to break them. On the plus side, the curse seems to have lost its juice in the face of a Faerie temper tantrum.

“Need I remind you that I am part Demon,” I say to him. “How dare you speak about him that way!”

My own temper has gone off the charts and oh dear! Xerxei has made an appearance. How in Hell did that happen here?

I slam Sebastian back to the floor, with my hand at his throat, choking the life out of him. Well, not quite, seeing as how that is impossible, but I am giving it the old college try anyway. Even though I am throttling him in defense over my Demon husband, Sebastian is never one to let an opportunity go by. He lifts my hips and rams me down onto his rock-hard cock. I gasp at the audacity as he pumps me up and down over him like I am some sort of blow-up doll, here to pleasure him. He grunts loudly as he comes inside of me and then flings me across the room, where I land half under the ornate bed in the most undignified position known to womankind.

“What the fuck?” I yell at him as I crawl onto my hands and knees, brushing my hair out of my eyes.

“Sorry,” he mumbles. “That wasn’t me.”

I blink as I take him in. No, it was definitely the curse rearing its head after being squashed momentarily by our domineering power clash. He is scorched from head to toe and it looks painful.

“Are you okay?” I ask him.

“I’ll be fine in a minute,” he says, sitting up. “Got the job done, though, didn’t I?” he adds, almost proud of himself.

“Sure, you did,” I say. “The most romantic time of my life.”

He laughs loudly. “I will make it up to you, I promise, once he removes the curse.”

“I will hold you to that or Xerxei will kick your arse again,” I tell him as I hobble over to the closet to get my gown.

“Let that bitch loose on me again and we’ll see whose ass gets kicked,” he says as he too stands up unsteadily.

I turn to face him, now having changed back to Aeval. “You don’t like Xerxei?” I ask archly.

“I don’t like what she stands for,” he says cautiously in case I go Demonic on him again.

“Meaning?” I press.

“Your relationship with him,” he says.

“You have something against Xane?” I ask, knowing I am pushing his limits, but it is such fun. I don’t get away with it with CK, but Sebastian lets me roll him over like a dead dog.

“I have something against anyone who holds a claim on you,” he says. “You are mine, Aeval.” He sneers my Faerie name at me, and it makes me look harder at him. He is being serious. Deadly serious. I think I may have just pushed him that bit too far.

“Even our sire?” I ask, never having been given the gift of knowing when to give up.

“Especially him!” he says through clenched teeth. “He doesn’t deserve you,” he adds as he roughly shoves his foot into his pants. “He doesn’t have anything to do with the bigger picture. He just got to you first. That has been his only saving grace all of these years.” He pulls his shirt over his head, nearly ripping it, as I just stand there, mouth agape, clutching my gown to me.

“He won’t win this fight, Aeval. I can assure you of that. You are my wife now; I am the only one that Drake approves of. If you have truly chosen the Faerie, if you have chosen your father, then you have chosen me!” he exclaims as he sits to put his shoes on. “I alone have your destiny in my hands. You will sacrifice those who have come before me, and we will live as man and wife and bring forth the blessed child.”

He is breathing heavily after this impassioned, and quite frankly, bizarre speech. I have never known him to be so, so…I struggle for a word and then it comes to me: so much like our sire. But of course, it is there. How can it not be? I was a fool to think that he was fun and easygoing and the exact opposite of the intense, brooding, complex man that is Constantine Aquila.

“I see,” I say in the ensuing silence. “You mean to treat me no better than Thrace would.”

My words have the desired effect and I see it pass across his face as I turn to step into my gown.