Oh, wow. Go, Daddy! I am quite certain that Thrace is thinking twice about his declaration. He looks terrified and so he should. I don’t know the ins and outs of Aelfric’s demise, but I do know that CK knows and approved with gusto, so I’m guessing a head was removed somewhere in the process.

“We’ll see,” Thrace says. “Kalen, I hereby banish you from the Light Fae Kingdom. You will be executed on sight if you ever step foot across the border. You are marked as a traitor and I will see to it that you die for your betrayal.” He puffs out with a click of his fingers.

Yikes. What is with these creatures? They aren’t very reasonable at all.

Again, Sebastian looks unconcerned. I suppose as far as he is concerned it is a blessing that he can’t go back to the place that he longed to leave in the first place.

“Come,” Drake barks at us, now in a foul temper. “You have business to attend to. Quickly,” he adds with a pointed look.

I am guessing what he means is consummate the union and pronto before Thrace finds a way to stop that from happening and declaring our union null and void. Too bad it is going to be impossible for us to attend to this business.

Once back in my bedroom at the palace, I turn to Sebastian and he looks sadly at me.

“What are we supposed to do now?” he asks.

“We do what we can in order to ensure that this union is consummated,” I reply with a shrug.

“And that would be…what exactly, Livvie? Constantine has made sure I can’t touch you. I guess our secret is not so secret anymore,” he replies.

“I’m not entirely convinced it was a secret to begin with,” I say. I turn around and indicate he should start to undo my buttons, but even that has its consequences and he ends up with smoking fingertips.

“Fuck!” he yells in frustration. “If we don’t do this, we are both up shit creek,” he yells.

“Hush,” I whisper to him. “Someone might be listening.”

He strides over to me and spins me around and even as bolts of lightning surge through him, he rips at the gown, popping buttons all over the floor as he tears it off me. I turn back around, and his hair is standing on end and I laugh at him. He takes it in good grace and flattens it as he starts to undress himself. I take a giant step back as I feel my desire swell up again for him and it punches me in the gut.

I double over with an “Oof!” and he bends to help me up, only to be thrown back by the curse.

The air turns blue as we both mutter expletives that would make your toes curl. We stand up on opposite sides of the room, naked and wanting each other so badly, but unable to do anything about it.

“I will kill him for this,” Sebastian mutter

s darkly, and I sigh, it brings me back around to understanding a part of the reason CK did it. I explain it to Sebastian and his face softens.

“Oh,” he says. “I guess I didn’t think of it that way.”

“Yeah,” I say and flop heavily on the bed. Inspiration hits me and I sit upright again. “Wait, we are both extremely powerful creatures,” I say. “How is this curse beating us? If we put our minds to it, we should be able to beat it.”

Sebastian shakes his head. “You don’t know our sire and what he is capable of,” he says. “Even more so now.”

“Yes, I do!” I say, angry that he would dare say I don’t know CK. “I know about his power boost.”

Sebastian blinks at me. “He told you?” he asks in disbelief.

“Yes, we do speak, you know,” I say haughtily, and he has the grace to look sheepish.

“I know you do, Livvie. But he is… well, you know how he is. He didn’t even tell you about his family.”

Nicely played, arsehole. I glare at him as he reminds me of that rather large fact.

“Still,” I say. “We can beat this.”

“Doubtful,” Sebastian says.

“Look, all it takes is our bodies joining together, even for just a few seconds. Surely we can manage that?” I ask, thinking it will bring a whole new meaning to our electric connection.

“Uh, not quite,” he says and blushes.