“When you killed Gregor and Eloise, it appears that their powers needed somewhere to go,” he says. “They entered me. I didn’t know for a while; I knew something had changed and I knew it had something to do with their deaths. I thought at first it was just a change in the balance of power, you know, being the only one left, but it started to become apparent that it was more than that.”

Wait. The power of the other Initial Vampires is in him? That is just creepy. “Do they still hate me?” I ask wryly and my unexpected sarcasm makes him burst out laughing.

“It’s not them, Aefre. Just the power,” he explains. “What I am trying to get at is I first really noticed the difference that day in the Tower. My own monster is vicious, dark, and depraved, and nothing I ever want you to see, but it still loves you. That which you encountered wasn’t altogether me.” He pauses as he lowers his eyes. “That is the first time I have admitted it, it feels good.”

I can see the relief on his face, but I have mixed feelings about this. He knew something was different and he lied about it. Okay, he omitted to tell me. I am a stickler for this point, when it suits me. But on the other hand, I am relieved that what I saw in him that day wasn’t him. Or at least not just him. Everyone struggles with a boost in power. Christ knows I fired off enough shots of Dragon Fire after I got mine. The poolroom will attest to that. Everyone thought it was intentional and I let them believe that, of course. But really it was the world’s largest accident. When I think about what I could have done to Cade, I start to break out in a cold sweat.

“Why did you wait so long to tell me?” I ask seriously.

“I don’t know,” he says. “I know I should have, but I was trying to wait for the right moment. After what I did to you, it never seemed to be the right moment,” he says with a look of sadness. “When Rem, err he, took you, I knew the true nature of this power. I can beat him, Aefre. I can protect you from him.”

He looks earnest when he says that, but no one can beat him. Not even me. I start to shake my head, but he shushes me. “I can,” he insists. “That force field that he flung at us in the bathroom. I pushed it back. I was just a second too late. Next time, I will be prepared.”

“Really?” I ask. “Do you think three Initial Vampires equals one him?” This is way cool if it is true.

“I think so, yes,” he says, and I start to get a bit excited. Surely between the two of us we can defeat him.

He smiles shyly at my obvious excitement, but it reminds me of something important. “Did you send the letter to Rosalina?”

His smile disappears and he nods again. “I did, but we don’t need her. I know I can protect you.”

“No, CK. No males, remember?” I remind him gently.

“But it’s me,” he says, wounded. “You said you would.”

“And I will, but not this time, my love. I need time. Please understand that,” I ask him.

He reluctantly agrees, but I am sure it is only because I said “no males” so he knows that no one will be going near me this time.

“I suppose we should get back,” I say then.

“Do we have to?” he grumbles. “There is too much drama there.”

“No kidding,” I snicker. “But, as you said before, we need to deal with this.”

“Five minutes,” he says salaciously. “I haven’t made love to you yet.”

“Five minutes?” I ask incredulously. “Is that all?”

“I can do a lot in five minutes,” he says with a sniff. “Time me!” He dives on me with a youthful exuberance that is quite foreign on him and true to his word, he does a lot in the next five minutes.

We land back in the Underworld and my wounded heart has been patched back together by our time with each other. It isn’t really about the sex, although that was fantastic, it was just about being together, just the two of us, and him telling me his secret. I know he wants to keep it between the two of us and I am happy to do that, for now.

Cole is waiting in the library, absolutely distraught by my less than enthusiastic response to his news and my abrupt departure. He flies at me, almost knocking me off my feet, with apologies on his lips. I shut him up by kissing him softly and start to hash out our options.

In the end, he agrees that telling isn’t an option and therefore having contact with the child isn’t either. He seems to be on board with the plan on the outside, but I have to wonder what he is really feeling. Still, the three of us talk about it like responsible adults with no accusations or hissy fits and come to a conclusion. He will be financially responsible, but that is the limit to his involvement. It’s the best plan. And at least I can then move on and forget this ever happened. Err, we can move and forget this ever happened.

CK offers to send Nico with the payment plan and the details behind it, but I decide that he would probably scare the pants off her and offer to do it myself. I have an ulterior motive, of course. I have certain conditions that I want to be absolutely sure that she sticks to. It’s nothing that I want Cole to know about, or CK even, so handing this off to Nico is out of the question. I feel the stab of my betrayal as Cole completely accepts my plan and trusts me to execute it as we have discussed, but I squash it, telling myself it is for the best.

“When will you go?” he asks me.

“After I get back from the D.F.K.,” I say. Neither of them is happy to be reminded about my upcoming nuptials to Sebastian, but it’s a reality that we have to face. Sooner rather than later.

Chapter 12

The Underworld, March 2014 - Liv

I decide on sooner and make a plan for in the morning. I will be a day early, but I am sure they can throw something together to get this done once and for all. CK left Cole and me together for a bit of alone time earlier today and it really does freak me out about how accommodating he is being. But I might have known there would be a hidden agenda. Not that I am complaining, though, as I luxuriate in my deliciously warm and fragrant bath filled with red rose petals as he leisurely washes me.