“It is from the Spirit Realm. It can manifest itself into anyone who has…crossed over,” he says tactfully, avoiding my look of sorrow at the reminder. “It is drawing on the people who can most affect you and seeing as all of us are still very much alive, well, some of us anyway,” he says with a pointed look to the Vampires in the room, “It leaves those who are…”

“Dead,” I say flatly then look sharply up at him. “Hey! We are also very much alive, thank you.”

He grins sheepishly. “Sorry, bad habit.

“Do you make fun of me on a regular basis?” I inquire, not-so-sweetly.

“Oh, keep your pants on,” he says with a quick glance down at my bare legs in my tiny dress. “You know I love you.”

“EXCUSE ME?” Thunders both CK and Cole at the same time, followed by, “Bonds, Aefre!” and “Bonds, Liv!” Man, this name thing is a right pain my arse. Wish they’d all pick the same one and stick with it. I glare at Xane and he smiles innocently back.

“He is trying to get up your nose, which clearly, he has,” I now say with a placatory hand on my husband's arm. “Ignore him and can we please focus on the issue at hand, which if our future selves are anything to go by, is pretty terrifying.”

“Of course,” Cole says, shooting daggers at Xane, who just looks back mildly.

“Banish, banish. The sword must be able to do more than that?” I ask.

“The last being, apart from your mother, who was capable of wielding the sword before you, was, in fact, It. Legend has it, It used to be a Demon,” Xane says.

I frown at him. “Seriously? Why did It let go of it then? Why not keep it under Its own power?”

“It’s not theirs to keep anymore. It’s mine,” he snaps. “Well, yours I suppose,” he concedes.

“Go on. What of this legend?” I encourage.

“I don’t know if it is true or whether it is a story but…” he trails off and everyone leans in closer, now riveted.

“But, what?” I breathe.

“It has been told that the sword you have access to is not actually the real thing.”

“Beg pardon? It seems pretty real to me,” I say, confused.

“I am sure that Gregor, Eloise, and Lance would agree with that,” Devon snickers.

“What is it then?” I ask, ignoring Devon’s comment.

“A manifestation. But a shadow of its real self.” Xane taps his chin as he looks at me. He continues, “Thousands of years ago, It separated the sword’s essence from its real self and hid it. It couldn’t get rid of the sword completely but found a way to make it weaker.”

“Weaker? Christ. Can’t say I want to see what the real one can do,” Lincoln mutters, clearly remembering the beheading of Lance.

“It’s just a story though,” Xane says. “I don’t believe it. It’s not possible and no one has ever found the supposed real one.”

Everyone is silent for a really long time then, staring between me and Xane. I am thinking hard as I know something…something about the sword…what the hell is it? I sense someone about to speak and I hold my hand up to silence them, I need to concentrate. I start to pace, rubbing in between my eyes. Think woman, I yell at myself. All sets of eyes are on me as I walk in a circle around the table where everyone is gathered. Sword…not real…separated…hidden…

The minute’s pass and I am digging deep, deep into my brain.

“Liv?” Cole whispers eventually. “Do you know something?”

I shush him with a finger to my lips and change direction with my pacing. A few seconds later it comes to me. I slam my fist onto the solid wood table, splintering it in my elation.

“I know,” I say to the open-mouthed faces of everyone around me.

“Liv? What are you talking about?” Xane asks.

“The story isn’t legend, it is truth. I knew there was something missing from it. I could feel it, like it wasn’t living up to its true potential. Think about it. A sword of Hellfire. Made from the actual flames of Hell. It should have destroyed anything that got in its path.”

“It does,” CK says.