Somewhere deep down, the additional powers he has been harboring rear up and they want total and utter annihilation: of his wife. He spins back around and presses his back close to the door. He knows without a doubt if he goes to confront her now, he will destroy her. Or at least, attempt to destroy her. And very likely end up getting destroyed himself.

He breathes in deeply and pushes the powers back down. He knows he has to tell her about this. He should have told her immediately, but he wasn’t sure what was going to happen to him, and he wasn’t so sure she would have taken it very well. A Vampire, even of his strength and caliber, isn’t supposed to have this much power. But no one knew. No one knew that when Aefre killed Gregor and Eloise that their powers would join with his. It should have been expected, but no one even thought to ask what happened to their power once they died. He knows he is almost as powerful as Remiel. He blasted back that force field that kept them at bay while he abducted her, but he was a second too late. He just didn’t get to her in time. He doesn’t know what this means. He hopes he is capable of killing him because so help him, he will try it if he ever gets his hands on him. He calms himself with great effort and pushes away from the door. He is still gripping the letter in his hand, but he places it carefully back in the envelope and back where he found it. There will be a time and a place to ask about this and it will be when she is at her most vulnerable. He can’t bear any more secrets and lies from her. He needs a true reaction and if he goes to her now, she will see him coming from a mile away. There is a frisson of power rippling over him that he knows is visible, even to him. He pours himself a Scotch and sits in front of the fire. The fire that he has lit every single night in case she came home. Now she is home and he wants to hold her, he wants to tell her that he needs her, but he just can’t say the words. It will make him look weak and if she ever thinks that about him, then he might as well just roll over and be her bitch right now.

Who knows how long he sits there, staring into the fire? Long enough for him to have calmed down, which is all that matters. He is about to stand and go to his wife’s bed, when he senses her on the other side of the door. He sits back down and waits as she pushes it quietly open. She tentatively pokes her head through and sees him sitting by the fire. Nice and calm. She smiles and he smiles back at her letting her know it’s safe to come in. She closes the door and walks over to him, an angel in her white silk nightgown. He does love her being sexy, for him. But he can’t bear it when she parades around in these slinky negligees while every man is lusting after her. She sits next to him and he holds his arm out for her. She sinks into him and sighs in contentment.

“I need you,” she whispers. “I have missed you so much.”

“I missed you too, my sweet,” he replies. She has given him a chance to tell her how he feels, but now isn’t the time. She takes the Scotch from him and places it on the table. He looks at her, wondering what she is going to do to him. She has that look about her, that tells him she is going to make up for being away and choosing to have Sebastian’s child and all the other horrible, nasty things he doesn’t want to think about. She arranges him more comfortably on the sofa and he lets her.

He relinquishes his control over to her and she greedily takes it as she removes his tie and drops it on the floor. She starts to work on his shirt buttons and he just continues to watch her thoughtfully. She has his shirt all the way undone, and she pulls it out of his pants, tracing her hands back up his naked chest with a touch that makes him hard. She feels it and gently grinds herself against him. She reaches for his pants and slowly undoes them.

With just a touch she could have them off him, but he thinks she wants the show of his own striptease. She is still covered up, such as it were, and he won’t touch her. She pulls his pants off and drops them on the floor as well and then climbs slowly onto him, pushing her gown up her thighs so she can sit on him. She is wet, he can feel her against him, and he breathes in deeply. He greatly appreciates that she is fresh for him, and he relaxes. She slides her hands up her gown, gathering it up to pull over her head. He feels his loins burn as he sees her naked by firelight, her light hair falling around her shoulders to brush her small breasts. He loves her body. He wants to touch her.

He can’t resist running his thumb pad over the small mole under her left breast. He is happy and relieved to see that the scars across her stomach are practically gone. He doesn’t need the constant reminder every time he sees her naked. She closes her eyes in bliss and he feels her shiver as he runs his thumb down her ribcage, bringing both of his hands up to circle her tiny waist. There isn’t a

single part of her he would change. She asked him a long time ago if he wanted her to Shift for him, to make her breasts bigger or to be taller and he declined every suggestion she made. He loves her, craves her just as she is. He takes his hands off her and she opens her eyes again to smolder into his own. She is sitting right on his cock and she starts to move back and forth over him, slowly sliding him against her clit for her own enjoyment. She steadies herself with her hands on his chest and he says to her, “I know about the letter.”

She stops her actions, for that he is unhappy, but he caught her exactly as he wanted her: with her guard down.

“What letter?” she asks in confusion.

He regards her closely. She genuinely doesn’t seem to know what he is talking about. He can read her like a book, most times. “The letter in the bottom drawer of your desk,” he says.

Her confusion grows and then his heart sinks as recognition passes across her face and she smiles. “Oh, that,” she chuckles. “Don’t worry, I took care of it.”

He grabs her hands in a strong grip. “What do you mean you took care of it?”

She squirms on his lap, causing his cock to twitch, as she struggles to get her hands back. “I mean, I went there and told him he didn’t belong here. That he isn’t my charge, I am not his sire and I don’t love him.”

He lets her go. She is saying all of the right things, but he knows his love too well to let this go. “You went to him? You saw him?” he accuses.

She rubs her hands in a show. He knows he didn’t really hurt her; she is just manipulating him into thinking he did. “Yes,” she says. “How else was I supposed to shut it down?”

She has a fair point, but he still is not happy about her swanning off to see him. Who knows what she got up to with him before she told him it wasn’t going to happen? “And is it? Shut down?”

“Completely,” she replies, and he believes her, for two reasons. One, she is telling him the truth. He knows that. He can see no sign of deception on her face or in her body language. And two, by the gods, if he pursues this, she is going to climb off him and he won’t get to experience where this now very delightful evening is headed. He nods swiftly and she accepts it. She leans down to press her lips to him and starts to slide her wetness over him again. She is driving him crazy. He wants to be inside her so badly, but no way is he taking back control. He wants her to do all of the work. This time.

“I have a question for you,” she says against his lips. She doesn’t stop what she is doing, and it is distracting him. She sits up and his eyes go straight to their parts squashed together in a juicy heat that almost has him coming all over his chest as he sees it. She circles her hips and he groans out loud. He can’t stop himself.

“I won’t be angry or upset, but I want the truth,” she says.

“About what?” he mumbles, his eyes still focused on his cock. She has drenched him; he can see the glisten in the firelight, and he loves that she is that wet for him and he hasn’t even touched her yet.

“Did you have other women while I was gone?” she asks, and his eyes zoom straight to hers.

“What?” he snaps at her.

“Did you? Just tell me so I know, and a secret won’t come out and kick me on my arse,” she says, putting her hands on her hips.

He laughs at her. He wants to be angry with her for suggesting it, but he loves that she cares so much. She says she won’t be upset, but he knows it will hurt her if he has been with another woman. However, he has nothing to worry about. “No, I have told you several times that I will never be with another woman again,” he says, and she narrows her eyes at him.

“Six and a half months is a long time without sex, Constantine, especially for Vampires. Especially for you. I already know about Cole,” she says, and he stops himself from biting his lip.

He thought he had worded it carefully enough, but she missed his meaning. “I said, that I would never be with another woman and I haven’t,” he says meaningfully, and she stops the erotic circling of her hips and stares at him, eyes wide.

“Oh,” she says softly and then her eyes light up and a fire burns in them.

She is completely turned on by the thought of him being with a man and his heart swells with love for her. She is a little vixen, his little vixen, and that turns him on in return.